BookEnds Raises Money to Support Kids at the Border
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 21 2018

I was raised to be a woman who speaks my mind, who speaks out against injustice, and who stands up for the rights of others. I work with an incredible team at BookEnds who believes the same. We believe it is our responsibility to stand up for what we believe and for the rights of others.
The recent US policy to separate children from families has had us, like many others, in dismay. We’ve felt fear, horror, and extreme sadness at the injustices against children and their families. While many of us have spoken out, called our representatives, signed petitions and donated, we also knew that there must be more.
After thought and brainstorming, our more is use our talents to help raise money for the many advocacy groups who are fighting to reunite these families and prevent any more from being separated.
From June 21-June 30 2018, BookEnds will offer free query critiques for anyone who presents us with a receipt for a donation of $50 or more to the Act Blue Support Kids at the Border campaign.
How to Enter
In exchange for your donation of $50 or more, made between June 21 and June 30, 2018 to the Act Blue Support Kids at the Border campaign, you will receive a critique of one query letter from a BookEnds agent.
Queries and proof of donation (a receipt from Act Blue) should be submitted through BookEnds Critiques for Keeping Families Together. Only submissions made through the Query Manager event form will be considered and critiqued.
The BookEnds campaign is open from June 21-June 30, 2018. Any submissions made after June 30 will not receive a critique.
While you will not be able to choose the agent who critiques your query, we will do our best to choose an agent who has an expertise in your genre. Submitting your query for critique will not be considered as a submission for representation by any agent at BookEnds, however, an agent critiquing your query may ask you to submit to her directly at any time. Of course, you can absolutely submit for both a critique and representation on your own.
Only queries will be critiqued. We will not critique sample pages, partials or manuscripts, although some of our agents are offering those through the #kidlit campaign. All queries should follow standard query guidelines.
There is so much to be done to protect these children and while we want to support all advocacy groups and thank all of those who donate we also want to remind you that big changes can be made by speaking up, speaking out, calling your representatives, and voting.
Thank you!
This is a great idea and cause! Do you have an estimate for how long critiques will take to receive?
I’m afraid we don’t since we don’t yet know how many we will receive. I can say we’ll work to have them all completed by the end of summer.
Thank you for doing this. What a wonderful way to make a difference.
Hello Elizabeth,
We’re sorry for all of this confusion. There were a few that were declined if there were no receipts, which is the only reason we would have declined. No worries, though! We’ve re-opened the form for you through tomorrow. Please re-submit your query by tomorrow the latest and we’ll be very happy to critique. Thanks so much for joining us in raising money for such a great cause.
All the best,
Team BookEnds