New Client Alert — Alexandra Vasti

  • By: Jessica Alvarez | Date: Aug 08 2022

Alexandra Vasti


What you Write:

Funny, steamy Regency romances



Jessica Alvarez


Why BookEnds? 

I was drawn both to the extraordinary talent and diversity of authors BookEnds represents, as well as the wealth of information about the representation process that BookEnds provides. I watched so many BookEnds YouTube videos! Getting an offer from Jessica was a dream come true.


What genres do you write? Read?

I write historical romance.

My reading is wide and varied, but romance first and foremost! I’ve been addicted to historical romance since I was about 11. (Thanks for passing me Whitney, My Love when you finished, Mama V. “Just skip the parts when they start disrobing” didn’t stick though.) I also can’t get enough SFF—and SFF with a strong romantic arc is my personal idea of heaven.


Plotter or pantster?

The plottiest of plotters. Can an outline be longer than a novel? My research continues…


Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?



Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them?

Neither of those, but I do have a hundred-page outline, plus dozens of brainstorming documents and a LOT of perpetually open tabs. Once I accidentally bookmarked the OED entry for the word “rail” and can’t crack how to undo it, so that’s usually open somewhere too. I’m an English professor, so I’m always researching/reading wild and wacky nineteenth-century books.


Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

Café au lait, any time of day! (I’m in New Orleans, so coffee with chicory specifically.)


Day or Night writer?

Also any time of day. I love everything about writing, and squeeze in words every single day because it makes me so darn happy.


Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?

Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok: @alexandravasti


If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?

Jane Austen. Specifically a Jane Austen who’s up-to-date on 2022 issues. I think she’d have a killer Twitter that eviscerates politicians and recs lots of excellent books. I’d make her really good guacamole and awkwardly profess my love! It’d be great!





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