New Client Alert — Carla G. Garcia

  • By: Ramona Pina | Date: Sep 02 2022

Carla G. Garcia


What you Write:

YA fantasy and romance



Ramona Pina


Why BookEnds?

I’ve always admired BookEnds for how much they respect authors – not just their clients, but also writers still querying. The resources shared on the blog and YouTube channel are invaluable! Every online interaction I’ve had with BookEnds people has been incredibly uplifting, so when I was preparing my query list, I knew I wanted to submit to BookEnds. When Ramona reached out to schedule a call, I was over the moon. 


Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often? 

I don’t write as often as I’d like because my day job keeps me busy – but I do try to carve out some time in the evenings twice a week. I do most of my writing on weekends and it’s either at home where I have a little office space set up or in a local coffee shop. 

I’m a certified chaos gremlin, so my process is… to sit down and write! Sometimes, I have a candle. Sometimes, I have music. Sometimes, it’s just me and my notebooks and laptop. It depends on my mood, the weather, and how much time I have. 


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

I’m on Twitter and Instagram under the same handle @krlgp. I’m also trying to get the hang of TikTok but I’m not there yet! 


Do you have any writing rituals? (e.g. burning a candle if you’re having trouble getting started at the computer or writing longhand first if you’re feeling uninspired.)

I don’t really have any rituals for drafting – I’m a pantser, so I just sit down and let it all flow. I never draft with music, only silence and coffee. It gets messy. 

When I’m revising, I’m way more structured so I can’t start writing until I’ve read my handwritten notes. I also re-read the last chapter I worked on to get back into the voice and flow of things. Usually, I’ll play the songs that have inspired the book. I like to have some background music when I’m doing heavy structural / developmental edits. For line editing, I go back to silence. 


What do you love about writing fantasy? 

The sense of wonder and discovery. I always start with a character, so I learn about her world, the magic, the stakes as I discover them with her. It’s a lot of fun. 


Why did you choose the genre you’ve chosen?

Not to be super cliché on main, but the genre chose me! I didn’t know I could write anything that wasn’t fantasy until a friend challenged me to try my hand at a romance. It was great and I’ll probably write another one at some point, but I always return to fantasy. 


What is the hardest part about writing fantasy? 

For me, it’s not over-doing the worldbuilding details. I’ll have random essays on file about how things work in the world so I know everything. Sometimes I can get carried away because I’m so enthusiastic about it I want everyone else to know it too!  


Do you get inspiration from any TV shows or movies?  If so, which ones?

I get inspiration from pretty much anything! I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I love movies and I never know what will catch my eye and spark an idea. Sometimes it’s a scene, sometimes it’s the soundtrack. 


If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?

I’m in love with the idea of a nice, remote cabin on top of cliffs overlooking the sea. Not sure how I’d get food up there, but it’s nice to imagine it. 


Do you belong to any writing organizations?

I don’t belong to any writing organizations per se as of yet, but I’m part of a wonderful writing group called Hopefully Writing. They’re my community and I wouldn’t have survived the querying trenches without them! 


What was the most important question you asked when interviewing agents?

What they loved about my work. Publishing is a brutal and subjective industry, and I wanted to make sure that my agent and I felt the same passion for my characters and stories. There was no right or wrong answer, but as with any creative work, some people are drawn to certain elements more than others. I felt like Ramona truly *got me* and what I wanted to do with my story. 


How did you know your book was ready to submit?

I was super lucky and got picked by Emily Varga for the WTMP mentorship in 2021. We worked on my book together – she was amazing. Hands down, best mentor EVER. After we finished working on the book, I sent it to a couple of trusted readers and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive so I knew I’d done everything I could. 

If anyone’s interested in what the WTMP experience was like, the author-mentor team interview is published here: