Welcome to BookEnds, Robbie Couch!

  • By: admin | Date: Apr 24 2019

If you’re not reading or writing, what would we catch you doing?  

Probably attempting to pet every dog I pass on the sidewalk.  

Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

Lots of places! I’m on Twitter (@robbie_couch), Instagram (@robbiecouch) and Facebook (@RobbieCouchWriter). Say hi! 

What’s the last book you read?

I reread “Auntie Mame” by Patrick Dennis a few weeks ago. That book will always hold a special place in my heart.

If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?

This one is tough! I’m tempted to say under an umbrella on a Mediterranean beach or bundled up in an isolated cabin atop an Alaskan mountain, but all those  views may be too distracting. How about a coffee shop with endless free refills, friendly baristas, and an abundance of electrical outlets? 

What’s your favorite quote about reading or writing?

“I hate writing. I love having written.” It’s painful how much that quote from Dorothy Parker speaks to me. The drafting and editing process can be absolutely torturous, but finally getting your work to a place that feels just right is so worth it.W

What excites you most about joining the BookEnds family?

I’ve had such a warm welcome! BookEnds represents so many terrific pieces of work that speak to people from all walks of life. For my book to be in the mix is a complete and total thrill. 

What advice would you give to other authors in the query trenches?

Oh man, I feel you. It’s rough out there in query land.

I think querying is sort of like being on a dating app. You know how you might come across someone who seems like a great person and will make someone very happy someday—but they’re just not the right person for you right now? That’s how an agent may see your book! Rejections don’t necessarily equal rebuttals to the quality of your work. There are plenty of reasons why an agent may pass on your story, even if it has great potential. Keep your head up and keep searching for an agent that’s a match! 

One response to “Welcome to BookEnds, Robbie Couch!”

  1. Avatar Raphael Klarfeld, MD says:

    Glad to here you made it out of Query Land. It is a tough place, but there are many tough challenges in life that are as tough or tougher. Overcoming them usually requires a lot of self-improvement and often a change in how we do things. I remember when I was applying to medical school and had to make all “A’s” in the science courses (including organic chemistry) to get in, and with a lot of studying I did it and got into the school of my choice. Success makes us stronger! It is a re-enforcer of confidence. Good Luck with what looks like the beginnings of a great career!