Who is The Friend that Pushes You to Say Yes?

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Mar 15 2022

We talk through a lot of different things at BookEnds from covers to pitches to editors, but the most important thing we discuss is strategy. Most often negotiation strategy, but also advice and tidbits on dealing with sticky or potentially sticky situations. I often think the team at BookEnds are the people who push me to say yes.

So often, when asking for advice, or running through a strategy, I know exactly what I’m going to do or, more importantly, what I should do. What I need isn’t someone to tell me, it’s someone to push me.

Jessica Alvarez is famous for saying, well you would tell us…. and she’s right. Half the time I just need someone to tell me what I would tell them. What I am telling myself, but need the support to do.

That’s what agents and a good critique group are for writers. They are the people who push you to say yes. Yes to the plotline that sounds scary, yes to the opportunity that seems hard, and yes to the career change you want so badly, but need support to jump on.

I know who in my personal life and at BookEnds will push me when I need the push. Do you know who that is in your life? Make them the first call. If you don’t have anyone, find them. They are valuable.