Agent Speed Date
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: May 13 2011

The idea of speed dating is that you get 10 minutes to sit down with a prospective date and get to know them. Since we’re asking our clients to speed date with you, we thought it only fair that we participate too. In that spirit, we present Agent Speed Date. A quick 10 minutes for you to get to know us. Today we’d like you to meet Jessica Alvarez.
BookEnds Agent Speed Date
Name: Jessica Alvarez
Speed date Bio: A former Harlequin editor, Jessica joined BookEnds in April 2011. She’s actively looking for women’s fiction and romance submissions.
About Me
Real Name or Pseudonym: Jessica Alvarez
Currently Reading: Lots and lots of submissions
Next on Your Reading List: J. R. Ward’s Lover Unleashed
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Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: Anthony Bourdain, preferably somewhere in southeast Asia. Edgar Allan Poe. Tina Fey.
Three characters you would want to have dinner with: Bridget Jones–as long as she’s not cooking. Stephanie Plum. Mrs. Dalloway
Jetsetter or armchair traveler: Armchair traveler, but only because flying with a four-year-old is no fun
Glass ½ full or ½ empty: ½ full
Tea or Coffee: Coffee
Ereader or Print book: Depends on the mood
Morning person or Evening person: Evening
Working soundtrack: Silence
Are you sure we're not related? Except the coffee/tea question. I can do both, depending on the situation. If it's a long day and I have more still to do, it's def coffee. Nice to meet you!
that was an awesome interview!…so very telling…I loved many of those answers, too…Tina Fey and Poe would make great dinner dates…and the glass MUST be half-full!…lol…I do my best work at night, also!…thanks so much for the great share!
I love your name and think it would be great to use in a novel. Now, in all novels I start by interviewing my characters, which is kind of like this–speed date. So, what kind of novel would you like to appear in and why? Perhaps even give a heroin in a book you would like to be.
I'm so with you on the silent soundtrack for working. I'm easily distracted by music, so I have to write in total silence. With one exception: I like to hear a football game in the background as I write. All the fans cheering gives me a boost, like they're cheering ME on, lol. Yeah, I'm weird that way.
Thanks, everyone!
And, Carla, maybe we are related–I can do either coffee or tea, but usually go with coffee.
Sir John, as long as you don't make me the villain, I'm happy.
So, a love goddess is okay. Interesting.
Honestly, I was thinking more of a fashion designer living in Milano.
I understand you like handling romances, but I need to know if you can also handle thrillers, as I write both.
Sir John
Fun spin on the Speed Date. Nice to "meet" you, Jessica. My four year old is pretty easy going, but my idea of traveling would wear on him! We are sticking to roadtrips for the moment.
Great interview. Such spunky questions. I love the "invite to dinner" ones. Those are always incredibly insightful.
I love this whole idea of agent speed dating… very inventive. Leave it to BookEnds to come up with such a great idea. Nice to know a bit more. Thanks.