Your Agent’s Job is to Answer Questions
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Sep 12 2019

My job is to answer questions. Okay sure, my job is to manage my clients’ careers, negotiate contracts, and provide helpful feedback. But mostly, it’s to answer questions.
There is truth in the statement that there is no dumb question and that’s especially true for the author-agent relationship. Or it should be. One of the reasons you have an agent is to guide you through the mysterious publishing process. Because no matter how much research you’ve done, entering the publishing world is a giant unknown.
I always try to encourage my clients to ask me anything and some do, but many don’t and I wish they would. If you’re not asking the questions you are only hurting yourself.
Imagine starting a career as an astronaut and not asking key questions like, how does the air tank work and what happens if the hatch blows off?
Why would you start a career in publishing, or any career, and not ask the questions you need to make it a success?
Sometimes we don’t know what to ask and that’s understandable, but sometimes we’re just afraid and that’s not right.
Questions You Should Never Be Afraid to Ask
Whether you’re a new author or a veteran there are always going to be questions and your agent should always be there to answer them.
Here’s a list of questions or times when questions you should be comfortable asking your agent anytime during your career together.
- Any question on the publishing contract.
- What’s the submission process? Have we heard anything? What’s next?
- Will you give my book a read? I’m nervous about
…. - What do you think of this cover?
- Do you have thoughts on this cover copy?
- Can you ask for an extension for me?
- Will you ask my editor
…. - Do you have time a phone call?
- Can you look into my payment?
- Can you explain my royalty statement?
- Should I be worried?
- Are you planning on attending this conference I’m attending? Can we have a meeting?
- Do I have to wear a suit to meet my editor?
- Do I have to be on Twitter?
- Is this good news?
Whatever your question is it should never be off-limits when it comes to your agent. Remember, that’s why you hired them.
I appreciate your open door policy when it comes to questions. It speaks to the honest relationship you strive for with your clients.
I worry when my students don’t ask questions. There is no way they can possibly understand everything. I agree, there is never a dumb question (and usually if one asks there are others wondering the same thing).