Jessica Faust
(President & Literary Agent)
As owner and President at BookEnds, Jessica Faust is honored to spend every day with some of the most talented authors and agents in the business. From its inception in 1999, Jessica has always believed that her number one job is to be an author advocate. As BookEnds has grown, she now adds agent advocate to that responsibility. In addition to constantly growing BookEnds in new and innovative directions, Jessica represents many bestselling and award-winning authors. Her focus is on bringing more under-represented and marginalized voices into publishing and her areas of expertise include mystery, suspense, upmarket, literary, and women's fiction. In nonfiction, she’s seeking books and authors in business, leadership, personal growth, and self-help. Jessica began her career as an acquisitions editor at Berkley Publishing, Macmillan, and Wiley. In addition to nearly 15 years of blogging, Jessica has a regular role on the BookEnds YouTube channel, has taught at New York University's Continuing Education Program, been a publishing columnist, and has been honored by a number of different publishing organizations. In addition to speaking engagements throughout the world, Jessica hosts regular workshops on Speakeasy and is a member of AALA.

While her heart will always be in Minnesota, Jessica now lives in New Jersey with her family. Outside of BookEnds, Jessica’s passions include kettlebell lifting, walking with Olive, cooking, laughing with friends, and reading other people’s books. Specifics on the types of books she’s seeking to represent as well as more information on querying Jessica can be found on our submissions page and the link to her query form. You can learn more about Jessica by following her on: Twitter and Instagram or email her directly. You can also find information about new deals and clients on Publishers Marketplace. Watch our interview with Jessica on YouTube!