BookEnds Blog #32 on WritersDigest Best Websites
- By: admin | Date: Apr 13 2016

Congrats to BookEnds and the BookEnds Blog! Writers Digest recently released the best 101 Websites for Writers and our blog made the list at #32. The complete list is available in the May/June issue of Writers Digest.
It’s why I haunt this corner of the web – I’ve learnt buckets here and am always grateful to the Bookends team for the time given to those of us still on the aspiring rungs of the ladder… that and the fact many of your authors are auto-buy for me *grin*.
Personally though, BookEnds and Janet Reid are at the top of my list. 🙂
Congratulations, and well deserved!
I’ve learnt so much here, lots of things that need improving in my MS and why. I’ve also flicked through the synopsis/query blogs and I’m thinking of pitching a tent over in that area when the time comes.