Celebrating #BookLover Moms on #MothersDay!

  • By: admin | Date: May 15 2017

Happy Mother’s Day!

I think many of us have our mothers to thank for our love of reading. I’ve blogged before about how my mother and grandmother instilled in me the love of books. They started passing me their Phyllis Whitney, Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart novels while I was in middle school and that’s when I started staying up into the wee hours of the night with a flashlight under the covers, voraciously turning pages.

As it turns out, they didn’t just develop a beloved pastime for me, but sparked a passion that turned into the career of my dreams. I feel so blessed to have a job I love and I owe it to the support of both of my parents.

My mom is still an avid mystery and suspense reader. And it occurred to me the other day how much everything has come full circle. Now I can pass Mom my clients’ new releases just as she passed me her Phyllis Whitneys. That said, she usually goes out and buys her own copies anyway. (She just texted me on Friday to say was at the Barnes & Noble with Dad, and wanted to know what BookEnds new releases she could buy.)

In fact, she even goes to my clients’ events. This picture is my mom with three of my clients (pictured left to right: Linda Wiken, Vicki Delany, my mom, Jeanne, and Mary Jane Maffini) at their signing event at the Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop. By the way, she bought five books that day to have signed, even though I’d already given her three of them.

Thanks Mom for sharing your passion for stories and for believing in me enough to support my lofty dream of turning it into a career! I love you!