The Fourth Day of Bookmas
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Dec 06 2010

It’s the fourth day of our Bookmas Giveaway contest. My turn again!! For those who missed the rules, hop back over to the November 30 post and give a quick read.
And of course, before we start today’s contest, we need to announce Friday’s winner.
Friday’s question was: Who was Jessica’s very first boss in publishing?
And the answer is Melinda Metz, the author of the Roswell High series of books and a staff writer for the television program.
Congratulations to Paula Matter. Please email your contact information to and we’ll get your prize out immediately.
Today’s contest is . . .
Way back in the dark ages when I was in college (before cell phones, Google, and corporate websites), it wasn’t easy to find a publishing internship. I sifted through 1,000-page books to find companies that might be open to hiring a summer intern. I wrote to about 15 companies. I received only one positive response. Most of the other houses didn’t even have an internship program at that time. But Putnam Berkley was interested. They requested I travel from Penn State to New York City for an interview.
When I walked into the Human Resources office, I started to get really excited. The walls were adorned with blown-up covers of my two absolutely favorite authors. When I sat down with the HR director (right after my typing test — yes . . . on an honest-to-goodness typewriter), she asked me about my reading preferences. Bursting with enthusiasm, I spit out, “Well, I’m just so thrilled, because my two favorite authors are “Joe Schmo” and “Jane Doe” and I see that you publish them both!” The HR woman looked back at me grimly and just said, “Joe Schmo actually moved to another house last week.”
Well, “Jane Doe” is still there, and with the same editor. So I was one for two, anyway.
Can you guess who “Joe Schmo” and “Jane Doe” are?
The winner will receive three novels.
For clues, check out these authors . . .
Lorna Barrett
Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor
Sally MacKenzie
Paige Shelton
Amy Patricia Meade
Ellery Adams
Angie Fox
Gina Robinson
Erin Kellison
Bill Crider
Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Bella Andre
Elizabeth Amber
Krista Davis
Heather Webber
Avery Aames
Kim Lenox
Joyce and Jim Lavene
C. C. Hunter
Cricket McCrae
Anita Howard
Wendy Lyn Watson
Erika Chase
Elizabeth Joy Arnold
Okay, this one's hard…
Good job, girls. You stumped me. Now off to the links again for a second look.
Is it Dean Koontz and Nora Roberts??
I agree. Dean Koontz and Nora Robets.
This is honestly super fun. I love scavenger hunt type games lol 🙂
I third Dean Koontz and Nora Roberts
I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be Dean Koontz and Nora Roberts, but each clue I investigate makes me think that is, in fact, the right answer.
Cosigning on the other 5 posts.
It has to be Dean Koontz and Nora Roberts!
so really. how are you guys getting these so fast?
Congratulations Kaycee. Under an hour again!
Please email your contact info to and we'll get your prize out.
We're going to need harder clues.
This totally happened to me. I was interviewing with a producer and he asked me who my favorite screenwriter is and he ended up being school friends with him… but it ended badly because the writer/producer cheated him out of a lot of money apparently. It's only funny now that I have another job.