Get to Know Moe Ferrara
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: May 22 2015

We are so excited to have Moe join BookEnds. It’s always great to have fresh ideas come into a team, and Moe has already made some wonderful changes. At this point, you probably all know that Moe is looking for adult, young adult and middle grade submissions, especially in Science Fiction and Fantasy. She’s also looking for romance and LBGBTQ characters. However, there’s more to Moe than just her submission guidelines and I wanted to give her the floor to let you get to know her a little better.
Oh, and don’t forget to follow Moe on Twitter: @inthesestones
Tagline: I’m not really a coffee addict, I just play one on TV.
What Excites You About Being an Agent: I honestly cannot wait to dive into my submissions inbox. HINT: this totally means that if you are writing in the genres I represent, you should be flooding my inbox to the point I’m quoting JAWS and asking for a bigger boat. (please say I haven’t just dated myself here…)
Book Concepts You Never Want to See in Your Query Box: No vampires. Please. No vampires. I will look at literally ANY other paranormal creature… save vampires.
Glass ½ full or ½ empty: Actually, it doesn’t matter if it’s half full or half empty. What matters is that there’s still room for more coffee or more wine. My ideal glass is the one that will hold an entire bottle of wine… but I digress.
Starbucks Drink of Choice: Back in another life I worked at Starbucks, so I’ve lost the taste for it after making one too many caramel macchiatos. However, I have two drinks I absolutely adore — one is on the menu and one is something we baristas came up with. On the menu, when I need a caffeine jolt (are we seeing a trend here?) would be a grande sugar-free cinnamon dolce Americano. For those playing along at home, that is the proper way to “call” a drink. Some habits never die. However, if you want a fantastic drink in the fall/winter, ask for a “Chaider.” Order a caramel apple spice and ask for a bit of chai in it. Trust me — tastes exactly like mulled cider.
eReader or Print book: It really depends on the type of book I’m reading. If it’s submissions, I tend to read them on my iPad because it puts me in the frame of mind to read critically. My Kindle is stocked with about 90% erotic romance and the books I utterly adore and want them close to hand if I want to re-visit an old love. Otherwise… as the friends who have helped me move can attest… I own far too many print books. So the not-so-short answer is “both.”
Morning person or Evening person: Well, since it’s currently 1:38 AM as I’m answering these questions, I leave it to you to decide if I’m a morning or an evening person.
Working soundtrack: I oscillate between Broadway and film soundtracks depending on what I’m working on at any given point in time. Right now, I’m staring at Spotify waiting for the Something Rotten! soundtrack to drop so I can play it obsessively.
If You Could Move Your Office Anywhere in the world where would you go: I say this without hesitation: London. I lived abroad for five months during law school and it’s one of the few places that just feels like home to me. If money weren’t an object, I’d base my office near Earl’s Court or Kensington.
Any other questions for Moe? Now’s the time to ask.
"Chaider" sounds awesome and I'm definitely going to keep that in mind.
Good to see a new face here, and I hope you find what you're looking for in the slush pile!
Welcome aboard, Moe. Alas, I don't write your genres, but I'm gonna follow you on Twitter anyway. Amazing the nuggets of gold you can pick up from agents that represent other genres.
Enjoy! From what I can tell, I think you're gonna like it here.
How can I not follow someone who loves wine and has the Assassin's Creed line up for their Twitter header!
Ack! I tried to respond to everyone individually, but apparently the blog is not being friendly to me today.
@Wendy: Definitely give the Chaider a try when the weather gets colder — which hopefully won't happen for some time! Thanks for the welcome and I hope I do too! :^]
@logosyfilias: I'd prefer to be queried with a full novel. I may look at a novella depending on the genre, however!
@John: Alas! But thanks for the follow and I hope I'm interesting enough and you can pick up some great nuggets from me! :^]
@Bobbie: Thank you!! I'm so excited to be here!!
@Alexia: I play a lot of games, but Assassin's Creed has to be my favorite. (Especially Ezio!)
Totally late to the party here….. Kinda feel like I'm standing in Starbucks trying to order and flailing around while experienced Starbuckseteers are behind me, annoyed, and glaring at me.
Anyway, I'm wondering what tropes you are absolutely sick of. Just want to throw on the bbq and grill until charred. (Besides vampires)
And what you absolutely love.
An ereader crammed with erotic romance begs the question, who are you reading and why do you love those authors?
Also, 🙂 WOOO-HOOO comics!
Nice to meet you, I hope you have a very happy home at BookEnds.