How to Stop Complaining and Live a Happier LIfe
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Mar 24 2015

I came across this article in Fast Company about the Complaint/Restraint project. In an attempt to create more positive lives, Thierry Blancpain and Pieter Pelgrims agreed to stop complaining entirely for one full month.
According to the article, studies show that during the course of an average conversation people complain every minute. I have to admit this made me a little sick to my stomach. Complainers absolutely drive me crazy and yet somehow I begrudgingly think that I’m probably right up there with the worst of them.
If you do decide to read the article please read the Q&A that follows. I think that’s the most interesting piece of it. In that you’ll see how Thierry and Pieter handled negativity by turning complaints into solutions. So, instead of complaining that there is yet another snowstorm headed our way you could say, “well there’s another snowstorm coming, but at least I’ll get my exercise by shoveling.”
Or instead of complaining that your publisher canceled your series you could try, “well, my publisher canceled my series, but now it gives me time to explore some of these other ideas I’ve been excited about.”
I think the idea is that it’s okay to be unhappy about things, but instead of always complaining you’ll find you’re happier overall if you find the positive in the negative.
I’ll admit, the whole idea of a month, heck even a day, of not complaining stresses me out. It even makes me want to complain, but I think I’m going to give it a try. I’m not going to commit to any given time period, but I am going to be more conscious of what I say and how positive I can be and if I do feel I have something legitimate to complain about I’m going to try to find positive aspects so that my conversation about it takes on a different life.
Thank you for this blog post. I plan to try this for the month of April.
This is a great idea. I try not to complain but I'm sure I do it more often than I realize. I'll just have to try harder. 🙂
A few years ago I started the habit of saying "Well the world didn't end" or "Well the world won't end if…" when things don't go the way I want them to & I want to complain. It also helps when I'm reluctant to do something or if I'm faced with something to do that I've never done before.