Is Your Promo Leading to Sales?
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jan 26 2017

Every year some organization or another contacts BookEnds asking for items for fundraising. Whether it’s the local PTO, a library, an author running her own drive, or a random letter from an organization, we get about five or so of these a year. We have a lot of extra books in the office so I never mind sending off a box or two. Especially if I don’t have to ship anything.
One thing I’ve always struggled with is how this works for me. Sure I’m happy to selflessly help an organization, but isn’t it even better if I can help someone else while helping myself? Well I think it is.
In years past I’ve had my clients send their own promo material to put into donations. That worked and made a nice added bonus to the baskets, but it still didn’t feel enough for me. So I thought about what I really want from these readers. I want sales. That’s easy. So how do I get the sales? What really creates sales? Buzz. Buzz, reviews and a booksellers algorithms.
This year, instead of sending a packet of author promo (bookmarks mostly), I created my own. What I really want from people is a great review. I want people who love the book to put it down, think about it and want to share it. I want them to add it to their goodreads shelf, to sing it to not just friends and family, but to the world. I want a review.
So I created this….
A simple request for an honest review when the reader is done. I ask them to use their social media to promote what we love and hopefully they will too.
Great idea!
I love this idea. Simple and straightforward. I’ve done bookmarks in the past, and plan to do so again, but add this wonderful addition. No more begging for reviews.
Clever and simple. Nice!
Great advice. I would’ve never thought of that.