Life Unplugged
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Sep 01 2016

I’m back! After a long and restful break I’ve returned to the office, to blogging, and of course to being a professional pain in the ass. As always after a long vacation (not so much after short vacations) I feel happy to be back and ready to go. I took two solid weeks of rest. I shut down and off. I turned off Slack, my email, the blog and anything else that was work related. Okay, I did Instagram a few times, but I read some incredible books and had great views to shoot them from (more on that next week).
In order to make this happen I planned for it. For at least a month prior to my vacation I worked with my team to plan how things would be handled in my absence. I scheduled, I made lists, I worked ahead on a few things and I had everything perfectly in place to make it happen. And happen it did. And you know what, the sky didn’t fall, I didn’t miss any incredible opportunities and my African Violet bloomed!!!!
I can’t stress enough what a difference unplugging can make to your life. I read (or mostly read) five different books–giving me new perspective on what I want to handle as an agent. I spent time with family and friends, I slept in, I laid on the beach and I emptied my mind of all of the clutter. And I proved to myself that BookEnds will go on if the Boss Lady takes some time off (hats off to an incredible team).
There are four full months left in the year (if you count December which I’m not sure you should) and I’m going to tackle them with gusto. Never underestimate the power of a well-rested agent.
Ha Jessica, I never knew you were unplugged because for most of the last month I was too, moved, ugh. You got to relax and I got to fill my future with new (smaller) digs which allow me a huge step up on my tomorrows.
There’s a bittersweet aspect to knowing all wheels don’t come to halt when we are gone, and yet, if we handle things correctly (looks like you did) the groundwork pays off and the wagons keep right on heading in the right direction.
Welcome back.
Sounds like a wonderfully restful 2 weeks. It always helps knowing you don’t have to worry about what’s going on at work. Mind you, from everything I’ve read here over the last few years, I’m not surprised the BookEnds team kept things rolling in fine style.
4 months of the year left. Gah! My to-do list just wilted a little.