Meet the Intern: Victoria Giordano
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Aug 31 2016

What’s your name?
Victoria Giordano
Where do (did) you go to school?
I’m going into my sophomore year at the University of Massachusetts Amherst!
What are you studying?
I am currently pursuing a double major of English and Business Hospitality
What kind of books do you most like to read?
I love almost any kind of YA fiction, but it needs to have an aspect of fantasy, sci-fi, romance, dystopia, or psychological suspense. My top are definitely Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Red Queen (by Victoria Aveyard), and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (by Michelle Hodkin). Although, I do love the classics, specifically Pride & Prejudice and any Shakespeare play.
Honestly, a book that can keep me reading until my eyes can no longer stay open is my type of book.
What’s the last book you read (not including a submission)?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I’m still in a book hangover. I just… there are so many emotions.
If you raided the BookEnds shelves while you were here what are some of the books you took home with you?
I raided the BookEnds shelves as soon as I was given permission. I grabbed all three books in The Farm series, Pretending to be Erica, and The Broken.
So far, I had a chance to read The Farm series, by Emily McKay. It grabbed my attention and even though I was never on the vampire bandwagon, I sped through this vampire focused trilogy in no time. The story was just so unique and captivating (not one sparkling vampire in sight!), I couldn’t put it down, and when I was done with one, I instantly grabbed the next.
What interests you about a career in publishing (assuming you’d like a career in publishing)?
One thing I know for certain after this internship is that I really want to have a career in publishing. I have loved books since probably the day I learned how to read. Reading has always been something that makes me happy, and I want that same feeling with my career. A job in publishing just feels like a no-brainer to me, especially now that I’ve been able to experience it.
What lead you to BookEnds?
During my high school years, I would not stop talking about how much I wanted to do publishing, and although my family was forced to put up with it, they have been incredibly supportive. I’m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, and that was put to the test when my sister discovered that her boss’s wife, the one and only Jessica Alvarez, works at a publishing agency right down the road from my house. I went through the blog and it just felt so welcoming, so I applied right away – and I’m grateful I did.
What has surprised you most about your internship at BookEnds?
For some reason, I always imagined a career in publishing to be cutthroat and competitive, something like The Devil Wears Prada, so coming into it I was very nervous. What I ended up learning was that this team of agents is the most helpful and welcoming bunch of people. They’re so funny and down-to-earth that most of the time it doesn’t even feel like work, even though these agents are incredibly dedicated to their authors and job.
And finally, and this is the most important part, they don’t hate you when you admit you don’t like cold brew coffee (*audible gasp*)… they are accepting of all coffee drinkers.
What have you enjoyed the most at BookEnds?
I enjoyed being able to learn all the different ins-and-outs of publishing, from reading submissions to reviewing contracts (I was actually surprised by how much I loved contracts). But, I have to say the best part was reading the manuscripts. Everyone always made sure I had something to read, and they were kind enough to ask me what genres I read on so that I had something that interested me.
Submission reading is part of an intern’s job at BookEnds, what was most surprising or difficult for you about this task?
I think in the beginning the most difficult part about submission reading was being completely critical of the work you’re reading. I learned after my first report that I should be honest and follow my gut; I think that’s key to mastering submissions. Once I got past the nerves of reading these submissions, I learned to always trust my first opinion.
What do you think authors or other prospective interns might like to know about the BookEnds team?
To future interns: This internship really is a learning experience, and everyone on the team is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. If you’re willing to put in the time and learn new tasks, they are willing to help you. Always ask questions and don’t be shy to let your curiosity run free. If future interns are really serious about following a career in publishing, try to learn everything you can about all the aspects involved in the field. And just listen to the conversations during the meetings and throughout the day – the team is always sharing helpful guidelines.
To the authors: Everyone on this team is committed to making your book the best it can be. Hearing first hand from everyone at BookEnds, and seeing how excited they are for the author and each other when a manuscript sells, has shown me how compassionate and committed this team is. I swear on my pristine Harry Potter Hogwarts Chest Box Set that you want your book represented by this team.
After nearly completing your internship, what are your thoughts on being an agent or working in publishing in general?
If I can take away one thing from this internship is that publishing is filled with people who love what they’re doing. Also, there are more positions than just editor, publisher, and agent. To go into the publishing career opens up a wide range of job opportunities – you’re never just limited to one title, and it’s possible to move up and around within the profession.
Thanks to all those that took the time to read through my blog post!
Now, off to deal with my Cursed Child emotions …
Welcome back, Bookends! Hope you had a relaxing summer.
And welcome to Bookends, Victoria! 🙂
Great job Victoria! So happy for and proud of you and all you accomplished with during this internship! Best wishes in Sophomore year!
How exciting to have had an internship at Bookends, Victoria. I’m sticking my fingers in my ears at any mention of HP’s Cursed Child as I haven’t read it yet (I’ve been told I have to wait until Christmas *sigh*. I have no idea what year of study sophomore is, but good luck with it.