Moe Ferrara’s #MSWL Madness
- By: admin | Date: Mar 28 2019

I was glad to be one of the last ones to post my #MSWL as, since I’ve recently opened to Picture Books — I wanted time to craft my tastes and see what makes my finger hover over the “request more” button rather than seeing it’s not for me.
Most of my #MSWL has stayed the same… books that I’m dying to have that, though may have crossed my inbox hasn’t been executed in quite the way I’m hoping for. I am, of course, always on the lookout for more books by diverse voices across all marginalized communities in all genres I represent. Please remember that this list isn’t exhaustive and I always love being surprised by books I never knew I wanted. So take a look below and hit me with your best shot.
– Books with a strong message attached to them, but don’t read like issue centric text. I love books that teach messages about inclusiveness or finding your inner strength but disguised as fun an engaging texts.
– Anything LGBT or gender-based. I’d love to find my very own JACK (NOT JACKIE). Bonus points if you can get me sobbing at my desk
– Anti-MSWL time: I’m not at all a fit for rhyming texts
– One day, oh one day I will find my gorgeous and creepy lyrical Coraline-esque book. One day. It’s out there.
– Give me your best “kids have totally screwed up and oh god we have to save the world before mom and dad get home!”
– Linking to one of my favorite animated shorts, In A Heartbeat. Please send me your MG contemporary of trying to figure out what a crush is and why I have one on my best same-sex friend.
– Always at the top of my list are more LGBT-centric stories. It doesn’t have to be a coming out story, in fact I want to see more where a character’s sexuality or gender isn’t the driving point of the plot.
– Contemporary in general! Books about music, dance, or the arts are always going to be a winner with me. Also give me all your books about burning down the patriarchy. Because reasons.
– Film-based YA “retellings”. (But, please, make them your own! I don’t want to see a point-by-point reimagining.) Things like Moonstruck, The Breakfast Club, Count of Monte Cristo, or Ocean’s Eleven would make me do a happy dance.
– I’m selectively open to Non-Fiction titles, mostly in the area of LGBT-studies or Theatre-related books. Titles like AND THE BAND PLAYED ON or memoir/biography books (a la Andrew Rannells’ TOO MUCH IS NOT ENOUGH) are the sorts of things I’m on the hunt for.
Oh, this so exciting! Can’t wait to get my fun PB stories all ready for you to read!
I love your list and I hope I have just what you’re looking for in a PB. Here’s to trying!!
Are you still looking for a lyrical Coraline-eques MG? I was going to query but it says that you might be closed to queries. If so, when do you plan on re-opening so I can query?