Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Allegra is all about magic, all the time. They have an undergraduate architecture degree from Princeton University and started agenting at Ladderbird Literary Agency in 2022 with a focus on science fiction & fantasy novels, but they're also the editorial coordinator at Princeton University Press, formerly an editor at the University Press of Colorado, cofounder of Paths in Publishing, an artist, and a writer (under a pen name). Between the many hats they wear, they bring a well-rounded perspective to author-agent relationships and work expertly with various parties across the publishing industry. They love cats, gardening, power tools, and books that love you back: sweeping stories, characters with big hearts, and prose that inspires. They focus on elevating marginalized authors and are always on the hunt for gorgeous prose. In the adult, crossover, and young adult spaces, Allegra is open to speculative fiction in the broadest sense, from science fiction and fantasy to the only lightly fantastical. You can read more about their wishlist, review their sales, or check out their client list on their website.