New Client Alert- Bronwyn Stuart!
- By: admin | Date: Sep 13 2019

Name: Bronwyn Stuart
What you Write: Love Stories
Agent: Moe
Why BookEnds? I was specifically looking for an agent who knows all about foreign rights since I’d carved mine up for Australia/New Zealand. I met Moe at the Romance Writers of Australia conference in 2018 and we hit it off! For my journey, I want a large agency in the USA who has the contacts and the knowledge to build my career. I definitely found it in Bookends!
Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?
My dad and I renovated a caravan for my office so I try to get out of the house and into the van as often as I can. With kids and a hubby and a menagerie of pets, I feel like I have to steal time at the moment but if I can get 5000 words a week, I’m happy.
Do you have any writing rituals? (e.g. burning a candle if you’re having trouble getting started at the computer or writing longhand first if you’re feeling uninspired.)
If I’m stuck with a plot hole or brick wall I run a hot bath and read a book for an hour or so. Always helps!
What do you love about writing Romance?
I adore strong women. I like to give them the ultimate power and seeing what they do with it. Then there’s the guy. He’s usually amazing but wants no one to know his weakness is making sure she’s happy and complete. Really though, I love the writing the happily ever after and giving my characters a life they truly deserve.
Why did you choose the genre you’ve chosen?
I am a complete sucker for a love story in any form, whether it’s true life, fiction, TV or even reality TV, I love the happy ending, the warm fuzzies, and even the train wrecks. In this life we work so much, we pay taxes and bills, fall in and out of relationships with lovers and friends. Who wouldn’t want to find a person they can share everything with for the rest of their lives?
What is the hardest part about writing Romance?
The writing part I find easy. It’s defending it to the literary snobs of the world or the people who think the ‘smut’ we write isn’t a true form of literature that’s really hard. Being asked about writing porn is a special favourite of mine… Those people make me feel stabby.
Do you get inspiration from any TV shows or movies? If so, which ones?
If you’re looking for the ultimate love story, you can’t go past Disney and their princesses but any movie about a guy falling in love with a girl will do me. Hallmark Christmas Specials make me so gooey inside!
If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?
The Maldives. With my toes dipped in the ocean.
Do you belong to any writing organizations?
I am a very proud member of a few organisations, without them, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Romance Writers of Australia and South Australian Romance Authors. My current day job is with Writers SA. I’ve been a member of these three for my entire journey. My advice is to join as many as you can afford and take as much in as you can.