New Client Alert: Desideria Mesa

  • By: admin | Date: Oct 04 2019
  • Name: Desideria Mesa
  • What You Write: Adult Historical Fantasy
  • Agent: Rachel Brooks

Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?  

My favorite place to create is on my back porch with a tall glass of sangria. I write and read nearly every single day, often until 3 or 4am because of my ADD superpower of hyper-focusing. I might be a tad bit obsessive, but I knock the hell out of my word count goals. Who needs sleep anyway? 

Do you have any writing rituals?

My house is full of laughter and life, and subsequently, lots of noise. To drown out the happy chaos, I listen to rain sounds in my earbuds or head outside. I always have a glass of sangria or a dark beer to keep me company, and find that lanterns and the sound of crickets are more than sufficient to spark my creative needs. If I get really stuck on a scene, I find a song to help me visualize playing it out in my head first. My Spotify account is LIT with a playlist for each wip. 

What do you love about writing historical fantasy?

Historical fantasy encompasses my two favorite subjects. Walking through a character’s shoes during a time I can only read about is a magical experience, and inserting actual magical or fantastical elements sets my imagination on fire. I like a story that feels so real, capturing my senses and holding my heart prisoner. 

Why did you choose the genre youve chosen? 

Easy. I love reading it. But, I also wanted to tell stories that might not have been told before, from the perspective of my own family’s experience immigrating to the United States. I find it interesting to see the stark differences between now and then. But, even more shockingly, how much has remained the same. 

What is the hardest part about writing historical fantasy? 

The research. When I say ‘hard’, I mean it takes an exorbitant amount of time and effort to compile dates and facts to keep the story as real as possible, much less the little nuances like slang terms or how a character might apply makeup before Cover Girl existed. 

Where can readers find you on the web and social media? 

I am on Twitter @DesideriaMesa and also on Instagram as Desi_Mesa 

Whats your favorite quote about reading or writing? 

“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” -Franz Kafka 

Synopses, love them or hate em? 

HATE. Trying to convey 90k words in a few pages….it’s like asking which body parts I’d like to lose so that I can fit into my luggage. 

Do you get inspiration from any TV shows or movies?  If so, which ones? 

Always. Anything with a historical setting is the best. Downton Abby. Peakey Blinders. Tombstone. Moulin Rouge. Give me all the sexy and dangerous. 

Drink of choice when writing? When not writing? 

So, I may have given this away already: Sangria. Always sangria. And, coffee in the mornings, of course. 

What advice would you give to other authors in the query trenches? 

Take it slow. Get those queries and first pages beta read and edit, edit, edit. Use discouragement to improve your skills and make your next query better. Don’t take rejection personally. And, above all, believe in yourself.