New Client Alert – Emily Sullivan

  • By: admin | Date: Sep 20 2019

Name: Emily Sullivan
What you Write: Historical Romance
Agent: Amanda Jain

What genres do you write? Read?

I write historical romance set during the Victorian period, but I have also published short literary fiction and personal essays. I try to cast a wide net as a reader, but I will always have a special love for contemporary and historical romance, short stories, mysteries, and a good essay collection!

Plotter or pantster?

I pantsed my first book and since then have learned the value of plotting through hard work and many, many tears. These days I would define myself as more of a a ‘plotster’.

Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?

I want to know what writer loves them and then demand they tell me their secrets! But seriously, I have come to appreciate the process of writing a synopsis. I just wish it didn’t take me approximately 1,000 hours.

Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them?

I make a Spotify playlist and a Pinterest board for every book I write.  They usually include inspiration for the setting and characters and particular songs I listened to while drafting. At this point I’m pretty sure they’re nothing more than very effective time wasters, but that will not stop me from making them!

Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

If it’s before noon, a cup of earl grey. If it’s afternoon, decaf earl grey.

Day or Night writer?

I am a night owl by nature but much like my journey towards becoming a plotter, I now try to do most of my writing first thing in the morning.

Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you? You can find me procrastinating on Twitter as @paperbacklady. I am also on Instagram as Paperbacklady, where you can find photos of my garden and assorted foods.