New Client Alert — Julie Brookman

  • By: Jessica Alvarez | Date: May 13 2022

Name: Julie Brookman
What you Write: Romance
Agent: Jessica Alvarez

Why BookEnds?

The wealth of knowledge and experience in my genre 


Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?

I try to write every day if I can, depending on how wild my house is at that moment. On weekdays, I do writing sprints every morning with another friend for a couple of hours over chat. My local RWA chapter also has several write-ins each week I pop into over Zoom to help with the accountability.  My husband took over my office space when he transitioned to telecommuting during the pandemic and never left, so my current spot is in the dining room. If on deadline, I head out to one of my favorite spots – the library near my house that is built next to a mountain preserve! 


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

My website is, and you can also find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. 


Do you have any writing rituals?

I put on my author costume! My husband knows I’m deep into writing mode when the messy bun goes on, I remember to wear my glasses, and put on my headphones with some instrumental music (usually Celtic or movie soundtracks). I make sure my water bottle is full and sometimes light a candle. And I would get nothing done without my supervising cat, who curls up on her bed which she insists must be next to my keyboard. 


What do you love about writing romance? 

The absolute best thing about romance is the guarantee of a happily ever after or happy for now at the end of the book. No matter what chaos life brings, I get to write stories about love and happiness. 


Why did you choose the genre you’ve chosen?

I would say about 95 percent of my reading is romance, so it was a natural choice. 


What is the hardest part about writing romance?

I love my characters so much that it’s hard to put them through emotional turmoil sometimes. I know these two people are meant to be together, but they must go on a journey to get there. 


Do you get inspiration from any TV shows or movies?  If so, which ones?

I’m absolutely a serial “shipper,” meaning I have my favorite romantic pairings in just about anything I watch, regardless of the genre. Some of my TV fandom friends I’ve met through the years helped encourage me to pursue a career as an author.


If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?

A mountain cabin in the woods. 


Do you belong to any writing organizations?

I’m a member of RWA, and Faith, Hope & Love Christian Writers. My most beneficial organization is my local Valley of the Sun Romance Writers. The support and encouragement from the members of that group is invaluable. 


What was the most important question you asked when interviewing agents?

At what point of the writing process do I loop the agent in? This was important to ask because so many writers have plot bunnies running through their head and having someone else get excited about one of them can provide good direction before wasting time and energy on something else that won’t go anywhere.  


How did you know your book was ready to submit?

Aside from spelling and grammar checks, I usually think a book is ready when I can read it through and don’t come across any questions to be answered or plot holes to fill. I put every manuscript into an ebook so I can read it on my Kindle so I can get in the mindset of a reader to help see what might be missing from the story.