New Client Alert—Katherine Conner

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Nov 14 2022

Katherine Conner


What you Write:

Upmarket thriller/suspense



Jessica Faust


Why BookEnds?

I admire the enthusiasm Bookends shows for writers. This agency truly advocates not only for its clients, but for aspiring writers in the query trenches. I’m also a big fan of many of the writers repped at Bookends. 


What genres do you write? Read?

I write literary and upmarket suspense/thrillers. I read widely across genres, but my favorites are psychological thrillers and anything gothic (early gothic, 19th century gothic, southern gothic).


Plotter or pantster?

Definitely a pantster. I wish I was more of a plotter, but for me, the story comes as I write. Even if I go in with a plan, the writing usually takes me somewhere else.


Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?

Hate. I anguish over these—trying to sum up the major plot points, describe characters, settings, etc.—in such a short space. Nightmare!


Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them? 

I don’t use vision boards, but I do listen to music when I write—mostly instrumental, sometimes classical. Anything with lyrics distracts me too much.


Drink of choice when writing? When not writing? 

Coffee when writing, a glass of wine when not.


Day or Night writer? 

Day. I have a set routine in the mornings. I can edit at night, but I get most of my drafting done in the day.


Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you? 

Twitter: @tortiegirl601 


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

I hope to have a website soon!