New Client Alert — Raven Traylor

  • By: Ramona Pina | Date: Dec 16 2022

Raven Traylor


What you Write:

YA – Contemporary/Horror/Speculative



Ramona Pina


What genres do you write? Read?

I write YA – Contemporary/Horror/Speculative. I read the same genres with some adult horror here and there!


Plotter or pantster?

An in-betweener? I’m sort of a loose plotter. I plan out a bare bones outline and add to it as ideas come to me during the drafting process


Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?

Love reading them! Hate writing them. I always suddenly lose my ability to form words and sentences when it’s time to write them.


Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them?

I make writing playlists for every story I write, every trip I take, and every mood I create. Music is a big part of my life simply because listening to it makes me feel. So, I create playlists to set the ambiance.


Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

For years, my drink of choice was a hot, vanilla or pumpkin spice latte. Now that I’m trying to cut out coffee, my drink of choice is my tried-and-true friend, water.


Day or Night writer?

Morning/Day (when I should be getting ready for work)


Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?

Twitter @rs_traylor

Instagram @rs.traylor

TikTok @rstraylor


If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?

Angie Thomas. When I first read The Hate U Give, I was stunned that a book so similar to my life and my friends’ lives could be so successful outside of the “urban fiction” community. When I found out Angie was from Jackson, Mississippi, which is only two hours away from where I grew up, I felt like my dream of being a successful, Black author from a small, southern city was possible, despite what I’d been told all my life. So, to say she is an inspiration to me is an understatement. As a movie bluff, I also love that she has her own film production company and is heavily invested in the cinematic form of storytelling as well. Lastly, she loves 2Pac and so do I. Fun fact: I have a tattoo inspired by the same quote that inspired the title of The Hate U Give.


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

I don’t have a huge presence on social media, but I’m working on it! Readers can find me @rs_traylor on Twitter, @rs.traylor on Instagram, and @rstraylor on TikTok.