New Client Alert — Sarah Fite

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 17 2022

Sarah Fite


What you Write:

Women’s fiction magical realism



Jessica Faust


Why BookEnds?

As soon as I started researching agents, I knew Jessica Faust was my dream agent. She reps an author I love, and her MS Wishlist had so many elements of what I write. Plus, the resources she and BookEnds put out there for writers is amazing. It’s obvious they care about writers as professionals and as people. I’m thrilled to make my home here.


What genres do you write? Read?

I write novels infused with magic about women finding their way. I want to help women find the magic, joy and love in life, even during storms, the same way my girlfriends do for me.

I read a lot of different genres, but in the last few years I’ve gravitated to narrative non-fiction. I learn so much about the nature of people and the world by reading about real life. Plus, it’s a great place to pick up bizarre tidbits to possibly use in my writing, like the fact that pacemakers used to be powered by plutonium.


Plotter or pantster?

Both. I pantster out the first couple of drafts, but then I bring out my combined Hero’s Journey/Three-Act Structure plot tracker and plug the scenes and characters into that to analyze the story.


Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?

Hate ‘em. I’m a long-form writer, so I find any form of summing up agonizing. I’m pretty sure it’s one of Dante’s Circles of Hell. I get why they’re helpful, though, so maybe we can have a reformation movement that calls for doing synopses in haiku form. I could get behind that, or at least get my husband to do it for me.


Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them?

I usually have songs that put me in the right mood for a particular story, but I like silence when I write. I do create a series of PowerPoints for each book: usually one for characters, one for location/setting, and one for photos related to each chapter. It is likely that I spend way too much time finding just the right photo of a bracelet for a minor character.


Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

Tea when I’m writing, preferably Scottish Breakfast. Red wine or scotch (single malt, neat) when I’m not.


Day or Night writer?

I used to be much more of a night owl, but adulthood conspired against me. Now I’m usually crashed out by…well, no. I won’t tell you. It’s that embarrassing. So day. Definitely day.


If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?

I would totally ply Bill Bryson with a pint so I could hear the stories that don’t make it into his books.


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

My Instagram is @sarahfitewrites. My website is at