The Sixth Day of Bookmas
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Dec 08 2010

Well, today’s the sixth day of Bookmas, and that puts us right in the middle of our 12-day contest! For those who missed the rules, hop back over to the November 30 post and give a quick read.
And of course, before we start today’s contest, we need to announce yesterday’s winner.
Yesterday’s question was: Can you name the series that was developed as a result of Jessica’s romance with New York City?
And the answer is the Gaslight Mystery series by Victoria Thompson.
Congratulations to Cindy. Please email your contact information to and we’ll get your prize out immediately.
Now for today’s question . . .
You learned in my last post that I spent my college internship at Berkley Publishing. Well, about a year later I was working at Dorchester Publishing, when a Berkley editor called to tell me an editorial assistant position had opened up there. After interviewing with the two senior editors I’d be working with and writing a few reader reports, they offered me the job! I would be working with Berkley’s two “boy book” editors. I learned a lot from those guys and they always kept things fun and interesting.
Soon after, one of them would leave editing to become an agent, and he became a great source of advice all over again when I decided to “go to the dark side” myself. The other is now an editor at a different house, and he and I’ve had more opportunities to work together in an agent/editor capacity. They both have taught me a lot about publishing, and I’ll always be grateful to them for giving me my first job at a big publishing house.
Who are they?
The winner will receive three novels.
These authors will be posting clues . . .
Lorna Barrett
Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor
Sally MacKenzie
Paige Shelton
Amy Patricia Meade
Wendy Watson
Ellery Adams
Angie Fox
Gina Robinson
Erin Kellison
R.R. Smythe
Bill Crider
Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Bella Andre
Elizabeth Amber
Krista Davis
Heather Webber
Avery Aames
Kim Lenox
Joyce and Jim Lavene
C. C. Hunter
Cricket McCrae
Anita Howard
Wendy Lyn Watson
Erika Chase
Elizabeth Joy Arnold
John Talbot and Gary Goldstein?
Talbot (thanks for the Wolfman clue!) and Goldstein (thanks for the "Rich Jewish person" clue haha).
I didn't think anybody would catch the wolfman clue!
Wow, again, what speed! Wow!
Mystery Lovers' Kitchen
Oh, Gaslight Mysteries are one of my all time favorite mystery series!
My favorite Gary Goldstein moment: I'm sitting next to him on a flight from a sales conference in Florida back to NYC. Two little kids in the row behind us are screaming and kicking our seats the whole way. Finally, Gary turns around and says: "Kids, can you go play outside?"
Mike Z
LOL. There's just SO MANY good Gary stories…
Now THERE'S a guy that should have a blog.