The Importance of Respecting Your Own Writing

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jul 02 2015

Recently I received a query in which the author seemed embarrassed about the genre she was writing in. Sadly, I see this a lot and not just from querying authors, but from published authors as well. It’s discouraging and disheartening.

See, I love the books I represent and I love the authors I represent. I’m proud of each one and excited to introduce them to new readers. Most importantly, I respect every author of every genre, even those I don’t represent.

Sitting down to write a book in any genre, of any length is no easy task. I couldn’t do it and I know many in publishing who feel the same way. It’s why we aren’t writers. So don’t let someone else tell you that what you’re writing isn’t a “real book” or isn’t important. It is. And if you can’t be proud of your book how are you going to convince other people it’s something they want to buy and read? Learn to love what you’re writing now and it will show later when you’re trying to build your brand.
