The Struggle to Become Published
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 08 2017

Many moons ago I used to become frustrated with the author who refused to write a query, a synopsis, or thought she was above such tasks. I’d argue with writers who tried to tell me that their job was not to write a query, but a book. I’ve since become amused by such attitudes because frankly, I don’t want to work with anyone who seems to think any task is above her pay grade. I mean, I’m still taking out the BookEnds recycling.
There are two types of writers in the world. There are those who want the fame and prestige that comes with having said she published a book and then there are those who truly enjoy all the struggles that come with writing the book. The writers who embrace the struggles (even those they don’t enjoy) are the writers I want on my client list. They are the ones who will have the most successful careers.
The successful writer enjoys the struggle, the revisions, the queries (although maybe not the querying), the synopsis, the revisions, the copyedits, the revisions…. The writer who simply wants to put a book out there does not like the struggle. She loves the idea of being on stage, but she doesn’t want to do the work to get there, she doesn’t want to practice and perfect the art. She just wants the prize.
I’m not sure you can make yourself love the struggle, but I can tell you that, often, we can see even in a query who loves the struggle and who doesn’t.
Excellent post!
There are a lot of people out there who want the success others have but don’t want to put in the hard work in order to do it. Wonderful post.
Yes it is very frustrating to get your book published nowadays, but being persistence can pay off. That’s what happened to me. I eventually got published with my children book, The Ghosts of Flight B-17 available on ebook.
I do love it. I don’t like fighting for the sake of fighting, though. There should be an end in sight, otherwise, if I feel I’m fighting a pointless battle, I do give up. But writing is something I will do forever, regardless. I love writing blurbs and second and third drafts. I FEAR the first draft, which is why I put an awful lot of effort into it. It takes me twi hours of preparation before I ink into a scene for half an hour. And I do enjoy querying, as strange as that sounds. Before I got my publisher, every time I got a rejection I sent two more queries. I am very ambitious.
I was so busy struggling through the entirely enlightening and freeing process of writing my first novel that I almost missed this excellent post! Thank you for keeping us grounded, while encouraging the longview.
Ouch! That puts us neatly in our place. Worst part is it’s true.
Really insightful post. Nothing to add because it’s all been said.
Love the entire process I have ventured through so far! Queries and proposals make me s-k-e-e-e-r-e-d , but I will do them afraid. That’s courage, and part of the beautiful, brutal process.
Good article, I don’t know if they take novellas.
It bothers me that so many people are in it for the wrong reasons. I write because I have to write. It isn’t a choice. It is who I am. Every writer wants their work published. Some don’t want it for the fame and fortune. Don’t get me wrong, the goal is to be able to make a living doing something I love, but the driving force is getting my words out and having people get lost in my stories and escape their lives for a while. I love when someone says, “I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what happened next.” That’s what makes the sleepless nights, quadruple editing, and second guessing yourself worth it.