Welcome Back!
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Sep 05 2017

September always feels a little like January, like a new year and a fresh start. It’s back to school and back to work and, hopefully, we’re all hungry, refreshed, and ready to go. I know I am.
I typically take most of August off. It’s my time to read as many OPB (Other People’s Books)* as possible, to float on the water and to recharge. I take two full weeks with no email, phone calls, or Slack. That way I can shut down and let my brain wander. I can let the creative juices flow with no distractions and no judgement. Frankly, I think even brain surgeons need to do this.
Now I’m back, I’m reviewing my goals, I’m setting new ones, and I’m on fire. I’m determined to start September as if it’s a new year and I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2017 has in store for me.
I hope you were also able to take some time off this summer and let those creative juices flow.
*Thank you Danielle Marshall of Lake Union for that brilliant term.
Welcome back, Jessica. I had a week away… but it was at the snow. 12 weeks of the school year left, but at least spring has bloomed. Luckily my creative juices got a boost from my annual writing conference (one Moe is coming to next year!). I love conference for this renewal of enthusiasm and motivation. I now have great (writing) plans for the rest of the year =)
Two weeks wandering around the narrow rural roads of western Ireland drinking Guinness, walking in the rain, and enjoying the people. I didn’t feel a moment’s guilt while I was there, but it’s hard to get back into the routine of writing after the daily rhythm has been broken for a while.
And here in Arizona it’s still well over 100 degrees every day. Yes, but it’s a dry heat! At least that’s what we tell the tourists.
Thanks for the reminder that September really is as good a time for new beginnings as January. Maybe better?