Welcome to BookEnds, Amber Huang!
- By: BookEnds | Date: May 11 2018

If you’re not drawing, what would we catch you doing?
I would most likely be playing with my cat, tending to my plants, relaxing at Starbucks, or playing games.
What’s the last book you read?
I’m not sure if this counts as reading material but I recently picked up Rainbook. It’s an art book by Claire Wendling.
If money were no object, what would be your dream drawing location?
Any pleasant cafe in Europe or Japan.
Tell us a bit about your Illustration process. Where do you draw and how often?
I can usually be found drawing at a nice coffee shop or at my painting studio. I draw quite often, almost everyday but I also make sure to keep work drawing separate from personal time.
Do you have any drawing rituals? (e.g. burning a candle if you’re having trouble getting started at the computer or writing longhand first if you’re feeling uninspired.)
I always have a warm cup of tea or coffee nearby. I also like to snack a lot when I’m working. If I’m feeling uninspired I’ll usually paint or sketch traditionally to get the creative juices flowing.
Do you have a drawing playlist or a vision board? If so, what’s on them?
I make mood boards for bigger illustration projects I’m working on. A lot of the times the mood boards have illustrations or photographs of the feeling I’m trying to capture.
My drawing playlist consists of a lot of classical, ambient, and chill hip-hop music. I can’t work if the songs are too lyrical, I get distracted or caught up in the song.
Drink of choice when drawing? When not drawing?
Hojicha (roasted green tea) and Hot Milk Tea are probably my favorite drinks when drawing. I also really love Toffee Nut Lattes anytime of the day.
Day or Night Artist?
I wish I was a morning person but more often than not I end up as a Night Artist.
Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?
I’m always active on Instagram and have started to get use to Twitter! I’m not very active on Facebook these days, I use their messenger app for a lot of my friends though.
Where can readers find you on the web and social media?
I can be found on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook under the handle Amber_Aki_Huang.
What excites you most about joining the BookEnds family?
I’m the most excited about being able to share stories and creating worlds that are made with a lot of heart and passion. As well as building long lasting relationships with my BookEnds family! Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful since I’ve joined.
What advice would you give to other Artists in the query trenches?
Draw what interests and makes you happy, not what you think others will like and be interested in. It’s about building yourself as an artist in the long run so be honest with yourself.
I’m absolutely delighted to be Amber’s agent-sister! She is such a cheerful presence in our team and her talent is so inspiring!