Welcome to BookEnds, Julie Marindin & Jennifer Vido!

  • By: admin | Date: Jun 15 2018

I’m thrilled to welcome co-authors Julie Marindin and Jennifer Vido to BookEnds! Julie and Jen write cozy mysteries together, and their combined fun voice and unique quirky small town won me over straight away. I hope you enjoy learning more about this writing duo! ~Rachel


1. Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?

Julie:    Writing this book is a dream come true. Started many, finished none. Jen encouraged me early on to take the lead, and our momentum keeps me energized and inspired. I even enjoy the research. I write mostly during the evening and weekend, but I’m not above stealing time at the office if I’m on a creative tear. This book is well travelled. Over the past year, it tagged along on ski trips, college visits, and beach vacations. Jen and I get together regularly for story meetings and mutual read-throughs. It keeps us in sync with each other, the characters, and plot. Our cardinal rules are edits can’t change plot, and edits notwithstanding, each gets final say on her writing. It’s been a lovely experience.

Jen:    As co-writers, we have developed a creative process that fits with our personal lifestyles. Google Docs enables us to write and edit whenever we find time. I prefer the evening after all the craziness of my day is done. I climb into bed, put my feet up, and type away on my Chromebook. In order to be consistent, I try to write daily. I find the story flows better if I visit with the characters on a regular basis. I keep a small notebook in my purse to jot down ideas and especially words that I want to incorporate into the book. Our method is truly a partnership. We respect each other’s creativity yet have found a way to blend our two styles into one unique voice.      

2. If you’re not reading or writing, what would we catch you doing?

Julie:    During the workday, in court with clients. Most Friday nights, on the couch rehashing the week over a nice bottle of red wine with hubs. We live on a farm so there’s plenty to do anytime. Otherwise, it changes with the seasons. We have a daughter in college in SC, and two high schoolers. Each plays lacrosse, so fields and sidelines are commonplace. In summer, we enjoy time with the kids at OBX.

Jen:    If I’m not reading or writing, you can catch me in the pool. I teach a warm water exercise class for people with arthritis (like myself!) three mornings a week. I also like to catch up with my favorite Bravolebrities or watch a movie on the Hallmark Channel. Countdown to Christmas is my favorite time of year.  

3. Where can readers find you on the web and social media?   

Julie:    Locals looking for a criminal defense attorney find me on a work website through a Google search and I’m on Facebook. As to author-based social media, I’m a greenhorn wading in to a whole new world.

Jen:    Readers can find us on Twitter at @juliejenauthors. Our website and FaceBook pages are under construction. I’m also the Books Correspondent for Momtrends.com, a lifestyle blog for moms. I write about new book releases and coordinate book chat parties on Twitter. Readers can find me on Twitter @jennifervido, Instagram @jenvido, Facebook, and my website www.jennifervido.com.  

4. What’s the last book you read?

Julie:    The Outer Banks House by Diann Ducharme. Picked it up at a favorite bookstore at the beach, and it didn’t disappoint. A great story anchored in history, local details, and family relationships. First time author sat down after having a baby and wrote a book about a favorite place. Love it!

Jen:    The last book I read was Dreams of Falling by Karen White. If you’re a fan of lowcountry women’s fiction, you’ll definitely want to check out her books. I especially like her Tradd Street series which takes place in my favorite city, Charleston, SC.  

5. If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?

Julie:    A she-shed in my front yard (close to construction). Or a hut above the ocean in Bora Bora. Unless both proved too distracting, then back to the kitchen table at home.

Jen:    My dream writing location would be Kiawah Island, South Carolina. The beautiful ocean, the sound of the crashing waves, and the picturesque views of the marshland would be all the inspiration I would need to co-write our next cozy mystery.  

6. Plotter or pantser?

Julie:    I had to look up what this means. Seems pantster. A touch of plotter like when building a case for trial, I have a sense of what could ultimately happen. The bones of the story are there, but the creative details and characters develop as I put the words on the page.

Jen:    Early on in my career, I was a pantser. I’d let my lead character dictate the plot. Nowadays, as a co-writer, I’m more cognizant of how the story is unfolding. Oftentimes, Julie and I bounce ideas off each other and then take off in our own direction. So, I guess I’m a little bit of both.     

7. Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

Julie:    Umm, wine. It makes the editing interesting. Just kidding, water. When not writing, wine, not kidding. Pretty sure I have the blood of a French woman running through my veins.

Jen:    My go-to drink when writing at night is a cup of tea.  When not writing, I prefer water with a slice of lemon or an icy cold Arnold Palmer.

8. What excites you most about joining the Bookends family?

Julie:    Belonging. Forever grateful to Rachel for inviting us in. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the family.

Jen:    I’m excited to be joining a community of book lovers who have a passion for telling stories readers want to hear. Both of us felt an immediate connection with Rachel for she loved our spunky lead character as much as we do. We are tickled pink to belong to the BookEnds Literary Agency family of agents and authors.