Welcome to BookEnds, Kim Chaffee!
- By: BookEnds | Date: Jun 08 2018

What genres do you write?
I write picture books, both fiction and nonfiction, and sometimes I like to mix the two a bit.
Plotter or pantster?
Definitely, hands-down, a plotter. When I get an idea for a new story, I like to let it sit around in my brain for a bit before running with it. After I’ve done that, I like to brainstorm lots of possibilities for the character, setting, theme, etc. Then, when I land on that “YES” storyline, I start writing the story on my yellow legal pad. Once I get in the groove I transfer and finish the draft on the computer.
Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board? If so, what’s on them?
I’ve recently started hosting a dance party for one (just me) right before I’m going to sit down and write. Footloose, They Don’t Knowfrom the Trolls soundtrack, and Black Horse and the Cherry Treealways get my feet moving. After I dance I’m in a great mood and I’m ready to dive in to work. But first, I completely switch gears with my writing music. Ever since college, I’ve always listened to the Braveheart soundtrack while I write. Back then I was writing history term papers but it seems to work for children’s picture books, too!
Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?
Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Or water…water is good too.
Day or Night writer?
I write during the day while my two kids are in school. I’m wiped by the end of the day so writing at night definitely doesn’t work well for me.
Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?
Twitter: @Kim_Chaffee
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KimChaffeeAuthor
Website: www.KimChaffee.com
If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?
Definitely Ann M. Martin. I had a major obsession with The Baby-Sitters Club when I was younger! Now my daughter is obsessing over the new graphic novel versions and my heart couldn’t be happier.
I’m so excited to have Kim join the team! I met her less than a month before she joined and I knew she would be a great fit as she is so smart and funny!
Yay Kim! The world will be a better place with more of your stories in it!