A New Year, A New #MSWL from Jessica Faust #owvoices #diversebooks
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jan 08 2018

At the end of December, I reached inbox zero in my Query Manager. It was both thrilling and a little sad. I had answered all queries and read all requested submissions for 2017 and for a brief period of time I had nothing to hope for. But 2017 was a good year for me and I’m starting 2018 by submitting projects by new clients. I can’t wait for editors to read them.
I came into the office last week with plenty of queries to look over. Queries, and submissions, are always exciting for me. My Query Manager is like a treasure map. You never know what sort of adventure it will take me on or when, or if, I’ll find that pot of gold.
The best thing about digging through QM is how often I find not what I’m looking for, but exactly what I need. In 2017 it was a lot of great women’s fiction. Something I’d been hoping to add to my list for years. In 2016 it was a wonderful collection of historical mysteries. For 2018, I’m not sure my wishlist has changed, but it’s always good for authors to get a fresh update.
Suspense/Thrillers/Mysteries–this is an area I can never get enough of and like many editors I really want more domestic suspense/thrillers. I think of these as the dark side of women’s fiction and I can’t get enough. I am also a fan of the series suspense/mystery, especially books like Susan Furlong’s Splintered Silence which features a strong and damaged female protagonist with a rich and interesting history. On the flipside of the series, I’d love more stand-alone books ala David Bell–especially if they are books about a protagonist forced to return home and face her demons.
Women’s Fiction–I was lucky to add a few great new authors to my list last year and I don’t want it to stop. Interestingly enough, all of the books I added were unique and different. Some were lighter, others Southern, one is filled with magical realism while another is a family story. In other words, I like it all. Bring me your heartstring-tugging stories.
In all areas, I’d like more own voices and diverse books. I am still searching for a book featuring a transgender protagonist. Whether it’s a mystery series or women’s fiction ala Laurie Frankel this is one of the many #MSWL books of my heart.
This list is short and sweet and the genres I’m most interested in, but by no means the only books I’d like to see. I want more upmarket fiction of all types and I love to be surprised. Send me that book I didn’t know I wanted. I can’t wait to see it!
A message to all writers (me included): Write what you are good at not what they want. Someday you will change their mind.
I like that quote, Bryan =)