Author Speed Date
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Feb 11 2011

The idea of speed dating is that you get 10 minutes to sit down with a prospective date and get to know them. In that spirit, we present Author Speed Date. A quick 10 minutes for you to get to know some of our clients. Today we’d like you to meet Ellery Adams.
BookEnds Author Speed Date
Name (the one you’re published under): Ellery Adams
Speed date Bio (one or two lines): Likes: the ocean, animals, cupcakes with strawberry frosting, books, traveling, making things grow. Dislikes: caterpillars, ironing, Brussels sprouts, the smell of airplane cabins, discourtesy
Web Link: Stop by this month and you could win a new 3G Kindle!
Next Book, pub date: A Deadly Cliché, March 1, 2011
Agent: Uberagent Jessica Faust
About Me
Real Name or Pseudonym: Jennifer/J.B. Stanley
Currently Reading: The Likeness by Tana French
Next on Your Reading List: The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Facebook or Twitter (include account name): ElleryAdams
Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Ellery Queen
Jet-setter or armchair traveler: Both
Glass ½ full or ½ empty: ½ full yet always on the lookout for the waiter
Tea or Coffee: Coffee, vats of it
Live to write or Write to live: Both
About My Writing
When (time of day) I write: original writing in the morning, editing during the afternoon
Writing soundtrack: All over the place. Beethoven one session, Lady Gaga the next, a little Keith Urban for later, and a nightcap with Josh Groban
Character Inspirations: Faulty people with complex pasts, a wry sense of humor, and a desire to see justice served
Plot Inspirations: For readers to get to the end of my books and say, “I didn’t see that coming.”
Setting Inspirations: Small towns with plenty of charm and more than a few killers at large
Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants): A blend of the two. I plot bits at a time and then often chuck the outlines out the window and just wing it. Writing is all about following one’s gut, even if it means a constant supply of coffee and cupcakes.
Jessica, what a great way to get to know other authors. Thank you for sharing Ellery's info with us.
Ellery you sound deightful and I am excited to learn more about your books.
Great post. It's nice to meet authors and learn more about them than just their writing quirks. Ellery's writing soundtrack is as erratic as mine. It all depends on my mood and what needs to get done. Heavier music like Apocalyptica and Deadmau5 for days when I need to push through. Softer music like Elliot Smith, Guster and Florence and the Machine when I'm creating.
I'll be sure to check out her website and find her on Facebook. Thanks!
Great post! I saw Ellery speak at a conference in Virginia and she was AWESOME! She also had nothing but nice things to say about your agency and even referred to this blog as a great source for publishing information. 🙂
Very cool idea to spotlight your authors and advertise their books! I now have a new book to look for in March.
Uber-cool to now be among them! *still in my happy place*
This is a great idea. I would date you Ellery!
I like the name Ellery
Very nice to meet you Ellery. Love the cover for A Deadly Cliche.
I love this idea. Very charming and I love your plotting….it works! LOL
As Mare said, it works! I can't wait for the March release!
I definitely would want another date with Ellery after this speed dating one. A very clever and creative method for us to get to know authors.
I look forward to your next release.
This is a great idea. Great post.
Neat idea! And I will definitely check out your website!
Thanks for the speed date, Jessica and to all the readers who sent me emails. I wish everyone the very best of luck achieving your dreams of publication!