Author Speed Date

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Feb 25 2011

The idea of speed dating is that you get 10 minutes to sit down with a prospective date and get to know them. In that spirit, we present Author Speed Date. A quick 10 minutes for you to get to know some of our clients. Today we’d like you to meet Elizabeth Lynn Casey.

BookEnds Author Speed Date

Name (the one you’re published under): Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Speed date Bio (one or two lines): Elizabeth Lynn Casey is the author of the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series with Berkley Prime Crime.

Web Link:

Next Book, pub date: Deadly Notions, April 2011

Agent: Jessica Faust

About Me

Real Name or Pseudonym: Actually, Elizabeth Lynn Casey is a pseudonym for mystery-writing me. I also write under Laura Bradford (real name) for romance.

Currently Reading: Summer Hideaway by Susan Wiggs

Next on Your Reading List: While I have a sky-high pile next to my bed, I’m eyeballing the calendar for Emily Giffin’s next release date (LOVE her).

Facebook or Twitter (include account name): Both. I have a fan page on Facebook (Elizabeth Lynn Casey) and I tweet under ElizabethLCasey.

Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mary Higgins Clark, Emily Giffin

Jet-setter or armchair traveler: Jet-setter (although my “jet-setting” hasn’t taken me out of the country yet—one day).

Glass ½ full or ½ empty: ½ full. It’s either that or never leave my bed.

Tea or Coffee: Um, can I request a third choice? Hot chocolate, perhaps?

Live to write or Write to live: Live to write and, as a result, I write to live.

About My Writing

When (time of day) I write: Morning.

Writing soundtrack: These days? Silence.

Character Inspirations: The voices in my head decide.

Plot Inspirations: The quick little newsbites on the radio.

Setting Inspirations: Places I’ve been, even if briefly.

Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants): Primarily a Pantser.

8 responses to “Author Speed Date”

  1. Avatar Kate Douglas says:

    Good morning Laura–Love the little bits of info, and now you've got me wondering just how many of Jessica's authors are pantsers. I'm trying to recall if I've seen a plotter among them.

    Best of luck with your new release.

  2. Avatar AmyJo says:

    It's always interesting to find out a little about other writers. Congratulations on the book!

  3. Hot Chocolate Lovers unite! 🙂

  4. Avatar Dru says:

    Hi Laura,

    That was fun and how did I know who one of your dinner partners would be.

    Why do they always leave out hot chocolate?

  5. Avatar Lynn says:

    Elizabeth – and I'm the greedy one… I want coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and a hot apple cider drink they sell in powdered form.

    Looking forward to Deadly Notions!

  6. Whooo! Every time I meet another Pantster it makes me feel less and less like a naughty writer. Do you remember sitting in English class and being told to outline everything? Sometimes I think I'm a pantster just to be contrary and rebel against my 10th grade English teacher.

    Congratulations on your book!

  7. Thanks, everyone!

    LOL Charlotte!! We must stand together!

    Laurel, you might be on to something… 😉

  8. I'm noticing there are more pantsers as well Kate. As a newbie, I feel safe with my outlined plot, but I am thinking of experimenting with just writing. We'll see what happens. Nice to meet you Laura.