Author Speed Date

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Apr 29 2011

The idea of speed dating is that you get 10 minutes to sit down with a prospective date and get to know them. In that spirit, we present Author Speed Date. A quick 10 minutes for you to get to know some of our clients. Today we’d like you to meet Gail Oust.

BookEnds Author Speed Date

Name (the one you’re published under): Gail Oust

Speed date Bio (one or two lines): A Yankee transplanted to South Carolina, I used to juggle my writing with a career in the medical field but now it’s writing only. I’m loving it.

Web Link:

Next Book, pub date: Shake, Murder, and Roll, May 3, 2011

Agent: Jessica Faust

About Me

Real Name or Pseudonym: Real name is Gail Oust. In a past life, I wrote historical romance as Elizabeth Turner.

Currently Reading: Books for a contest I’m judging

Next on Your Reading List: The White Queen by Philippa Gregory for a change of pace

Facebook or Twitter (include account name): Facebook as Gail Oust

Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: Norah Roberts, Pat Conroy, and John Hart

Jet-setter or armchair traveler: A little of both but mostly armchair

Glass ½ full or ½ empty: ½ full when it comes to life in general but tend to be ½ empty when it comes to writing

Tea or Coffee: Coffee, coffee, coffee

Live to write or Write to live: Live to write

About My Writing

When (time of day) I write: Late morning and all afternoon

Writing soundtrack: New Age, anything with lyrics makes me want to sing along

Character Inspirations: Occasionally people I’ve met but most often they materialize out of nowhere

Plot Inspirations: The words “what if?”

Setting Inspirations: Usually places I’ve visited at one time or another

Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants): I tried being a pantser once but it didn’t work out so I’m back to being a plotter.

3 responses to “Author Speed Date”

  1. Rita says:

    Hi Gail. Love your book title and congrats on the coming release.

  2. girlseeksplace says:

    Congrats on your upcoming book!

  3. S. F. Roney says:

    It was good getting to know you. Thanks!