BookEnds Around Town
- By: admin | Date: Mar 09 2017

Last summer, Jessica Faust posted a round-up of which conferences you can find #TeamBookEnds at.
Every year BookEnds agents travel the country (and sometimes the globe) to attend writers conferences. If we’re lucky we get to speak or take appointments, but sometimes we simply go to meet with our own clients and other publishing professionals.
This is a post we plan to do 2-3 times a year, with this being the first of 2017. Here’s a list of where you can find a BookEnds agent for the 2017 conferences we have scheduled so far:
March 25 Moe Ferrara will be attending the Michigan Writing Workshop. She’ll be taking pitches and joining a panel.
March 25 Tracy Marchini will join Ammi-Joan Paquette for a Picture Book Critique and Brunch at The Writer’s Loft.
April 21-23 Jessica Alvarez will be at the Washington Romance Writers Retreat.
April 28-30 Jessica Faust and Kim Lionetti will be at Malice Domestic
and Beth Campbell will be at the Washington Writers Conference taking pitches and sitting on a panel or two. Tracy Marchini will be at the 25th Annual Eastern Pennsylvania SCBWI Poconos Retreat, giving critiques and presenting on the current children’s market.
May 5-6 Natascha Morris will be at DFW Writers Conference. She will be taking pitches and joining a couple of panels and workshops.
June 3 Jessica Alvarez will be at the Rutgers University Writers’ Conference, taking pitches and schmoozing.
July 26-29 Kim Lionetti and Jessica Alvarez will be at RWA Nationals.
August 24-27 Tracy Marchini will be at Killer Nashville looking for middle grade and YA thrillers and mysteries.
September 1-4 Moe Ferrara will be attending Dragon-Con. Come find her on panels!
September 9 Kim Lionetti will be at CTRWA Fiction Fest.
October 5-8 Moe Ferrara will be attending New York Comic Con.
October 8-10 Jessica Faust will be attending Pacific Northwest.
October 12-15 Jessica Faust will be in Toronto for Bouchercon.
We hope to see you at one of these great events!
Wow! You guys will be busy! I’d love to attend some of those conferences because I’ve never been to a life writers’ conference before, and I’d love to meet you guys, even without a pitch. I mean come on, everybody needs a break, even agents. I intend to go to the International Literature Festival in Berlin in September and maybe the Frankfurt Book Fair this year, I’m sure it can only open new horizons to learn new things. I’ve started working with a publisher recently, and boy, I’m amazed at how much I learn of the business. I’m sure conferences and fairs will only add to that.
*live. I meant live writers’ conference. 🙂
Awesome! Just booked Malice. Hope to see you all there and talk about my southern, gothic mystery.
Gina Lea