A BookEnds Reading Pile
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 16 2010

For something fun and different we thought we’d put together a quick post about what’s happening in the BookEnds reading piles.
What I’m Reading Now:
- Jessica: Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen
- Kim: Marked: House of Night Series by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast
- Katelynn: Tea with Hezbollah by Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis and Devil of the Highlands by Lyndsay Sands
- Lauren our intern: Requiem of the Human Soul by Jeremy Lent
How I Came to This Book:
- Jessica: It was recommended by a client
- Kim: It’s part of the same line my client’s book will be published into next year—a big NYT bestselling series.
- Katelynn: Tea—I’ve read Dekker before and was intrigued; Devil—I love Scottish historical romance (sexy warriors, yum!)
- Lauren our intern: It was a freebie sent to me by a self-published author who is marketing his book on Librarything.com.
The Last Book I Read:
- Jessica: House Rules by Jodi Picoult
- Kim: Dead to the World: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel by Charlaine Harris
- Katelynn: Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires Book 1) by Rachel Caine
- Lauren our intern: Twilight
How I Came to This Book:
- Jessica: I enjoy her writing, but was also very intrigued by the story of a boy with Asperger’s
- Kim: I’m a fan of the series, the TV show and most important . . . Vampire Eric.
- Katelynn: Someone mentioned it on Twitter
- Lauren our intern: I had to see what all the buzz was about!
What’s Next Up on My To Be Read Pile:
- Jessica: Changeless by Gail Carriger or The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg
- Kim: Thinking in Pictures: and Other Reports from My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin
- Katelynn: Dangerous Highlander by Donna Grant or Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
- Lauren our intern: House Rules by Jodi Picoult
What I’ve Most Recently Read (or am reading) for BookEnds:
- Jessica: The next proposal by Bella Andre and The Naked Prince, Sally MacKenzie’s next novella
- Kim: The first seven chapters of Rosemary DiBattista’s women’s fiction manuscript and Born at Midnight, C. C. Hunter’s YA paranormal debut with St. Martin’s.
- Katelynn: A manuscript about the war in Afghanistan
- Lauren our intern: A paranormal romantic suspense manuscript about an elite soldier and the doctor who discovers his secret and then relieves him of its burden.
Oh…how I wish you all were reading me now, but wait, you are.
I will take advantage of this opportunity…
It was a dark and stormy night.
Wow, that grabs ya huh !
I'm about to start Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, right after I finish Breakpoint by JoAnn Ross. Then onto Soulless (and then probably Changeless).
How on earth do you have time to read for enjoyment? That you find time (or even want to) is totally cracking me up!!
Katelynn–I just finished Forbidden Highlander, the second in Donna Grant's series–the stories are really fun. Hope you enjoy! Love to see what you're all reading–I'm looking forward to a manuscript I've been asked to quote for Judi Fennel–the first in her new series called I DREAM OF GENIES. That's one of the best perks of this writing gig–getting to see the new stories before they're out!
I'm reading Glimmer Glass by Jenna Black–a paranormal YA. Great read so far.
I loved Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen. If you enjoy it, you'll also enjoy her other books: The Girl Who Chased the Moon and The Sugar Queen.
Lauren! That MS is mine! (The Soldier, isn't it?) Please don't notice that BookEnds already rejected me. I'm confused. (Um, is Ed McMahon going to knock and say no, Jessica didn't mean it, I'm a winner?)
I do understand – your post was undoubtedly previously written – but I would love for Lauren to email and tell me what she thinks.
But this morning I'm going to pretend over my second cup that you're giving Wulf a second chance. Makes last week's sunroof-open-in-big-rain incident feel like it happened to some other Anna. This Anna was mentioned in the same blog as the awesome Gail Carriger and that makes my day.
I'm reading Fallen. Next I'm on to Forget Her Nots. *sigh* So many wonderful books, so little time.
I sure hope you open up to queries soon. I'm racking of requests for Fulls and I'm afraid I won't get to query you.
Jessica, you should definitely read Changeless next! It's so much fun! And Katelynn, I hope you'll try Shiver next, because that book is absolutely amazing!
This was a great post to read, thanks for sharing!
Very cool post!!! So neat to see what you guys are reading/have read!!!
Right now I'm reading a romance that I honestly can't remember the name of! Oops!! I am anxiously awaiting the release of Gallagher Girls #4 though…due out the 29th of this month!
Jessica, Changeless was very entertaining; I vote for that one.
scarlettprose@ 8:26: Loved The Hunger Games, after you finish you may want to go right into reading Catching Fire.
I'm reading Going Bovine, by Libba Bray. And then do a beta read for a crit partner.
The BookEnds Reading Pile is awesome I may follow suit and read Souless or Shiver.
Just like that, my summer reading list got a bit longer (insert happy little dance)!
Kim, I love PC Cast 🙂 Great reads there. I am also quite partial to the Sookie series, although I've only just started it.
Jessica, I'm looking forward to more Bella Andre. Love her work!
Okay. Off to go drool at the indie bookstore. Thanks, ladies!
I love these lists! I still haven't read Garden Spells but it is definitely on my list.
And I LOVE C.C. Hunter's Born at Midnight. Can't wait till that book releases.
Mmmmm… Vampire Eric.
I found it interesting that Jessica and Kim have both either read, or about to read books about some type of Autism.
Is there any reason why? I was curious because I work with individuals with developmental disabilities (in my day job that pays the bills-lol). I have noticed that many of my own reading choices and personal writing is influenced by this population because I'm submerged in their world every day.
I thought one of you might have a family member/ friend with a diagnosis which influenced you to select that subject for your personal reading.
I've personally been searching for children's books to read to my two year old that addresses disabilities. She's surrounded by individuals with disabilities on a regular basis, and I'm hoping to teach her to focus on their abilities and not their disability. I haven’t had any luck in finding a good book, so I've actually been working on a few myself that I could read to her. Anyone have any suggestions on already published books?
Amy —
My son is on the Autism Spectrum.
I've seen children's books by small presses that address the subject, but I haven't actually brought any home, so I couldn't recommend. The books were located in the Autism section of B&N. Not with the other children's books. Let me know if you find a good one!
I’m not sure how old your son is, but I came across an autism picture book while at the Oklahoma Governor’s conference for developmental disabilities. It’s called “Zach the Prairie Dog”. It’s about a prairie dog with autism that gets made fun of because of his autism. He then meets a dachshund dog who also gets made fun of because the way he looks. The two form a great friendship, and end up saving the day during a great big Oklahoma twister (Oh, I’m from Ok. and he was a local author who had two sons diagnosed with Autism). It’s written in a form of rhyme, and was a little over my two year olds head, but I bought it anyway. The author was there, and he signed it for her. The overall message is good (“being different always comes with qualities to embrace”), and I’m sure she’ll love it when she’s older. I’m also pretty sure the author said it came with an audio download, but I haven’t had time to do it yet.
That’s really the only one I’ve come across lately, and it just happened to be about autism. I’d like to find one aimed at a little younger age group. I can write her a story, but something tells me she wouldn’t like my stick figure drawings that go along with it. Ha Ha.
I love Sarah Addison Allen – Magical books! I'd love to see more like them. Hope you're enjoying Garden Spells!
After reading Temple Grandin's book, I would definitely recommend the synonymous movie based on her life that came out this year. The book is also on my to-read list. My brother is autistic and it is always eye opening to see and perhaps understand a bit more of what he perceives.