Contest Winners
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jul 23 2010

Christie Craig & Faye Hughes
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
Publisher: Adams Media
Pub date: June 2010
Agent: Kim Lionetti
Once again, Faye and I would like to thank Jessica and Kim for letting us take over the BookEnds blog and for helping us celebrate romance novels.
The winners are:
Abigail Sharpe – Angie Fox – A Tale of Two Demon Slayers
Florence – Christie Craig & Faye Hughes – Wild, Wicked & Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You’re in a Romance Novel
Refhater – Elizabeth Amber – Dane, The Lords of Satyr
Lynn – Christie Craig – Shut Up and Kiss Me
HistoricalRomanceJunkieRita – Kim Lenox – Darker Than Night
Sugar – Lisa Dale – It Happened One Night
ChristiCorbett– Maureen Smith – Recipe for Temptation
Sammy – Gina Robinson – Spy Games
R.S. Bohn – Kate Douglas – Wolf Tales I, Wolf Tales X, or DemonFire [Your choice]
Congratulations! To claim your prize, please send us an email containing your name and mailing address to: info (at) WritewithUs (dot) net.
Awesome! I was so hoping I'd win a copy of Wolf Tales!
Thank you, everyone, for running such a great contest.
Thank you so much for this contest and I look forward to reading my reward!
Thanks so much. Wild, Wicked and Wonton … is so perfect for my satirical bent.
Appreciate the opportunity to get to know you better.
Congratulations winners!
Congrats to all the winners and a huge thank-you to everyone who came out to play with us.
Sweet! Thank you so much!!
Can't WAIT to read Spy Games once I get back to Wisconsin! Thanks so much for the contest, ladies!