Finding Support as a Writer
- By: BookEnds | Date: May 12 2021

If you’re visiting this blog, chances are you’re pursuing a career in publishing — be it as a writer or illustrator. Believe it or not: it takes a village. But what about when you don’t have the support from your loved ones to pursue a career in writing.
Jessica Faust and James McGowan are offering their best advice for finding that support you’ll need to help sustain your confidence and enthusiasm. Watch here:
I haven’t tried them, but a critique partner raves about Sisters in Crime.
Oh my, you’re not kidding about family members not understanding. When I sold my first story, one that is in a Bram Stoker nominated anthology (Arterial Bloom from Crystal Lake Publishing) I was excitedly telling my husband about it when he burst in midsentence with, “What does it take to get back on ebay?” Can you imagine how I felt?
Fortunately, my critique group gets more excited about things. We were all students in a non-credit fiction writing class at Oklahoma State University. That’s another suggestion. Meeting writers in writing classes.
Thanks for your videos. They also make me feel like part of a community.
Glad you have found your support, Linda!