How to Choose Your Comp Titles

  • By: BookEnds | Date: Oct 20 2021

Comp titles are stories, or authors—or sometimes even songs—that you can use to give others a quick idea about your story. If you use comps that resonate with people, it may even help you gain even more attention and interest. Choosing the right ones can be tough, though. To help, James and I sat down to discuss the best techniques to find comps that help you the most.


4 responses to “How to Choose Your Comp Titles”

  1. Marcia Fowler says:

    Thank you for this video. I generally have a hard time figuring out what is suitable for a comp title when I submit manuscripts. I love reading children’s books in all genres, but don’t always write down or remember the titles . When I search for comp titles, I tend to quickly write down titles I recall, even if they’re from more than five years ago. My take away from this video is to start keeping track of all the children’s books I read, just in case I need to use a few in the future for comp titles.

  2. Lauren Reitz says:

    Great post, per usual! I have a bit of a random question as I move forward with querying: How do agents feel about pen names? Specifically, is it viewed negatively if an author wants to publish under a pen name? Should they submit queries under that name, or bring it up later once the agent has offered representation? Thanks in advance!

  3. Margaret says:

    Thank you for signing me up for your email list.