How to Conquer a Literary Agent’s ‘Slush Pile’

  • By: BookEnds | Date: May 26 2021

Every querying creator knows: it’s tough work. It’s long stretches of waiting for answers, dealing with frequent rejection, and just trying to keep your hopes up.

So… how can you conquer the agent’s infamous ‘slush pile’?

Jessica Faust and James McGowan give their best tips for just that. It may not be what you think, though…

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2 responses to “How to Conquer a Literary Agent’s ‘Slush Pile’”

  1. Avatar Elizabeth DiBenedetto says:

    I absolutely love this YouTube videos offered by Bookends, and Jessica Faust and James McGowan. These videos are a conversation over a cup of coffee where I leave the table feeling full. I learn so much and it gives me hope and inspiration to reach my goals.
    Please continue these videos for those of us learning the ropes, and dreaming of making our marks in the industry, no matter how small or life changing.
    Best to you both, Elizabeth

  2. Avatar Boni Lev says:

    Thank you both for this video! I found the psychology of your point very helpful and encouraging. Like Jessica said, the word “slush” itself is negative and I like how you turned it around into a positive thing, speaking to how agents and authors need each other.