Marketing 101: Updating Your Amazon Author Page
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Sep 24 2015

With all of the stress we place on social networking I think its easy to say that updating your Amazon Author Page often falls by the wayside. And yet it shouldn’t. Fifteen minutes every few weeks can make a huge difference in one of today’s biggest book buying markets.
The minute your book is sold (even before you have a book) start checking out your Amazon Author Page and adding information. Make sure your bio is updated, link your Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts and if you have a blog make sure you are reaching all of your book buyers by linking that too.
Successfully managing your Amazon Author page allows you easy access to connect with fans, to expand your discoverability through Amazon and Google and to keep all of your readers updated on what’s next and when that next thing is coming.
While I will often say that you should feel free to do whatever social media you feel comfortable with, and skip those you don’t connect with, I don’t give that leeway to your Amazon Author Page. If you aren’t already on there and updating it or at least checking on it regularly (to make sure its listing all of your books) you need to do so now.
Excellent advice–I try to check mine every couple of months, and I only recently discovered that my author page was no longer linking to my books, which was really weird. I went in to upload a new author photo, and for whatever reason, it is linking once again, but I really agree that it’s an important–and simple–bit of promotion that reaches a lot of readers.
I didn’t realise Amazon author pages were so important. I guess that’s something to note for the day I get a contract!
The author page is great because readers can discover so much more about their favourite writers. Whether traditionally, or self-published, this page is very important. It gives us the chance to connect with our readers and provide links to social media, as well as encouraging people to buy our books.