New Client Alert- Laurel Cremant!

  • By: admin | Date: Nov 22 2019

Name: Laurel Cremant
What you Write: Contemporary Romance
Agent: Jessica Alvarez
Why BookEnds? I’ve followed the agency since I first began seriously writing in 2011. The blog was a huge source of information and inspiration for me. Through the blog, and eventually the agency’s social media platforms and YouTube videos, I knew they had a group of talented agents who loved what they did and believed in the authors they represented. So, I knew when I was ready to begin querying, BookEnds would be at the top of my list. In many ways, BookEnds has been a part of my author journey from the very beginning, so I’m thrilled to officially join the team.

What genres do you write? Read?

I write humorous contemporary romance. I’ve written in other sub-genres of romance but have always managed to work in some comedy. A friend who’s a closet astrologer, claims it’s a Gemini thing. Whatever it is, I admit that I love adding a little bit of snark and humor in everything I write. 

Regarding what I like to read—the answer is everything. Like most authors, I read just about every genre available. Mainly because I’ve been addicted to words for as long as I can remember. But also, because I believe reading is one of the few things that allows us to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world we live in. 

Plotter or pantster? 

I started off my writing journey as a pantser, transitioned into a planster at some point, but over the last two years have become a solid plotter. Being able to have a detailed outline to follow has made writing so much easier and faster for me, I can’t imagine going back.  

Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?

Hate them! You’d think that being a plotter they’d come easy to me, but they don’t—at least not short synopses. The three to five-page synopsis length is still something that eludes me, and that I have to diligently work at. Every time I sit down to write one, I end up surpassing that red line into over ten-page territory. Argh! 

Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board?  If so, what’s on them?

A little bit of both. I have a wall in my office dedicated to character and setting inspirations for the stories I’m working on or brainstorming. It helps keep me focused on the ‘essence’ of the story while I write. That sounds cheesy, but it keeps me focused and consistent. When it comes to music, I have a hard time writing in silence. So, I have several playlists that are all mood driven. Specifically, the mood of the scenes or chapters I’m writing at the time. Sexy R&B music for those bow-chicka-wow-wow scenes, melancholy blues for those ‘dark moment’ scenes—it all varies.

Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?

Water. That is probably the most boring answer ever given. But I don’t drink coffee, and the idea of stopping to make tea and not follow it up with brunch and a mimosa make no sense to me. So, water keeps me hydrated and gets the job done. Occasionally, if I’m working against a deadline, I’ll grab a soda.

When I’m not writing, and just hanging out with friends, wine and cocktails are my drinks of choice. I live in South Florida, so mojitos and mimosas are drinks I know and love well.

Day or Night writer?

Both again. I work full time, so I squeeze writing in whenever I can, whether it’s early in the morning, on lunch break or at night.

Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?

I’m on all three platforms but more of my day to day mishaps and thoughts can be found on Twitter and Instagram.

Twitter: @laurelcremant  []

Instagram: @laurelcremant []

Facebook: LaurelCremantAuthor []

If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?

Through the years I have been very lucky to meet a lot of my favorite romance authors and several others outside that genre and they’ve all given me great advice and motivation to pursue my dreams. So, I guess my answer would be to meet the person who hasn’t yet decided to take that plunge into writing. I’d want to meet them and tell them what so many amazing and lovely authors told me when I started out—‘Sit down, write, and believe there is space in the world for your voice.’