Breaks are Part of the Process

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Nov 20 2019

You might have noticed that the blog has been quiet for a few days. My lamest excuse is that I’ve been busy. The truth is that I’m taking a break. Seemingly unconsciously.

Years ago I “quit” the blog. My business partner had moved on from BookEnds, leaving me with the task of running a business solo. Her departure also doubled my client list. I just didn’t have the energy to blog.

I’d also lost enthusiasm. After years of daily blogging, it had stopped being fun. So I quit.

Then, a few years later, I was back. The publishing landscape had changed and suddenly I had a lot more to say about it. So I returned, but with a couple of caveats.

  1. I wouldn’t be blogging daily.
  2. I would allow breaks and big gaps during times when I didn’t have much to say or just didn’t feel like it.
  3. The blog would be fun for me or it wouldn’t happen.

The Art of Taking a Break

The past week or so with no blog posts was organic. I usually write the posts days, weeks and sometimes months ahead of time. This week I suddenly realized nothing was posting.

I could say I was busy, but the truth is that I just haven’t been inspired. So I’m resting. I’m doing other things and recharging.

I’m not going to make a conscious decision to quit blogging, and I’m sure I’ll be back with a vengeance soon, but for now, I’m letting my blog brain rest while I enjoy other things. And I’m not feeling any guilt about the time off.

8 responses to “Breaks are Part of the Process”

  1. Avatar Erin N. says:

    Thank you, Jessica, for all of the wonderful, helpful content that you have created, free of charge, for us writers out here in the trenches. Your blog is rich with resources that you’ve put out there over the days and years; it’s a wonder that you have time to do it at all!

    Thank you so much for the effort of creating it day after day, and also for setting the example of stepping back when you feel that you don’t have anything to add. That’s important, too.

  2. Avatar Mary T. Shannon says:

    Good for you! Self-care is always number one. It’s also the season to get more quiet within ourselves, reflect, and take stock. Regenerate, recharge and reboot.

  3. Avatar Timika Chambers says:

    Thank you for sharing the importance of taking a break. When I take a break, I am better for it. I feel like my mind is clearer, and I get more done in less time. I believe that the work we do must be guilt-free and not be so taxing on our mind, body, and spirit.

    Thanks again!

  4. Avatar John Levins says:

    I totally understand your reasons, it’s important to pace all worthwhile things so you can stick with them in the long term. Looking forward to all your future posts, as they come!

  5. Avatar AJ Blythe says:

    Enjoy the break, Jessica. You have been posting regularly for a number of years now and everyone needs a holiday (you still have posts going up even when you are on summer holiday).

    I remember when you stopped the first time (I was a lurker back then) and my delight when you started back. We’ll be here when you’re in a blogging frame of mind 🙂

  6. Avatar Dixon Hill says:

    Enjoy some well-earned time off. Many blogs I’ve encountered have very good “basic” information for writers, concerning query letters, etc. However, the depth, specificity and advanced information provided by your blog entries (ex: your continuing explanation concerning the hook, coupled with concrete examples we may peruse) is pure gold for folks like myself, who have read and read about the basics, and are looking for something more.

    I know the toll it took on me, when I blogged with other writers who had been published in EQMM or AHMM, so frankly, I’ve been amazed that you could find time to blog, produce YouTube videos, complete your agency work, and (presumably) somehow find a little “you time.”

    So, enjoy your wine! When you feel recharged and ready to go at it again, we’ll be here to read it. 🙂

    Dixon Hill

  7. Avatar Bryan Fagan says:

    I’ve always felt we need a break. It’s so important for our creativity to take some time off. We’re not machines even if we convince ourselves we are.

  8. Avatar Nancy Warren says:

    I can appreciate your feelings. I’ve generally put a lot into my writing blog, producing a new short subject for each post and matching it with an apt photograph. It’s fun, challenging, and I hope informative/interesting to followers. But now and then the inspiration isn’t there. I think it’s the way of creative people to take time to regenerate now and again. I’ve just let my blog sit for a couple months while polishing a manuscript. [Far naughtier than you]. But it’s about priorities, isn’t it? And sometimes the priority’s to let the fog clear a bit, to rest. Good choice.