New Client Alert — Rashmi Bismark

  • By: Ramona Pina | Date: Jul 01 2022

Rashmi Bismark, MD, MPH


What you Write:

Picture books … and open to exploring more!



Ramona Pina


Why BookEnds? 

Many authors I admire, including co-members of KidLit in Color, co-moderators of the Desi KidLit Community, and friends from my debut group, KidLit Collective, are represented at BookEnds! I’ve been hearing and witnessing such wonderful things about the agency – the collaborative environment, the playful and supportive agents… And as my querying process started, I was always checking in to see which BookEnds agents were open to picture books. Last month, I happened upon a tweet from BookEnds announcing that Ramona would be staying on as an agent. I immediately felt a connection as I read her bio and poetry. It was no surprise that we could have sat and chatted all day on our first Zoom call. I’m so thrilled to have her support and representation for all my book babies! 


What book do you wish you had written, and why?

Every book I’ve written and will write – and that’s not me being egotistical. It’s me being intentional. 

When I started teaching about contemplative practices and mindful living – whether that was clinically with patients, for other physicians, in school communities, or with yoga teachers – people would always ask me when I was going to write a book. That question stumped me for a while. Though I always loved writing, I felt like there was so much out there for the adult market by amazing teachers, academics, and practitioners. What could I offer that was authentic to my experiences and would be of service to others? 

My intention towards the end of 2017 was to stay open to creative flow and to allow it to freely express whatever lives within the stillness of my unique and interconnected presence.

That little bit of letting go and intentionality, plus a whole lot of love from my family, led me on a journey of writing children’s books that I never would have imagined. I’m learning and growing with each step.


If you’re not reading or writing, what would we catch you doing?  

I’m a mom of a tween and a newly minted teen which means my evenings and weekends are full of driving my girls around to all their activities. Otherwise you might catch me on a walk with my mom, critiquing my husband’s new cooking hobby, daydreaming on my porch, or offering yoga and mindfulness-based programs for nourishing whole health. 

I’ll be leading mindful self-care courses for cancer survivors and caregivers through the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Care Network in the new year. I teach contemplative practices for fellow female physicians with Dr. Siri Chand’s Ayurvedic Foundations courses for healthcare providers. I also contribute curriculum, teach yoga teachers, and lead meditations for Yoga Medicine. And some of my favorite experiences leading mindful practices are with kids and teachers through author visits for my debut picture book, Finding Om (illustrated by Morgan Huff, published by Mango and Marigold Press, 2020).


Where can readers find you on the web and social media?

My website (which I REALLY need to update) is

You can also connect with me on Instagram and Twitter @rashmibismark


What’s the last book you read?

I tend to read a few books at once. I’m currently reading Peak Mind by Amishi Jha, PhD, and just finished reading the joyous picture book, Dream Street by Tricia Elam Walker, illustrated by Ekua Holmes. One book that I keep coming back to has been Unbelonging by Gayatri Sethi.  


What’s your favorite piece of writing advice you’ve received?

Don’t hesitate to lean into the writing community! And this is the most valuable advice I continue to share as well. Network, build connections, and utilize critique partners. The relationships we nourish give back to our hearts in abundance and make all the inevitable obstacles we encounter as authors easier to move through. They also make milestones, like finding the perfect agent, all the more fun!