They are Not Better Than You

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Oct 29 2019

When looking to achieve our dreams it’s easy to get in the habit of thinking everyone is better than you. If only you could write like “that” author or had “that” idea or “that” special, magical pen.

The truth is that none of them are better than you. None of those authors know more, or have a better process, or a magical fairy godmother. Everyone of them has struggled, they’ve been rejected, they hated their process, and they thought someone else was better than them.

When you’re struggling and feeling lesser it’s important to remind yourself that everyone around you has been there too. That what makes success isn’t magical or better, it’s putting in the work, the same as everyone else.

13 responses to “They are Not Better Than You”

  1. Love this, Jessica. I need to hear it today.

  2. Betsy Johnson says:

    Hi Jessica, I truly appreciate your ongoing and always helpful advice. After watching yet another PB webinar which cost a chunk of money and which unfortunately resulted in an acute flare-up of negativity for no apparent reason , your encouraging words were a quick cure.

  3. Jeri A Hoag says:

    Boy did I need this Thank you!

  4. I’ve printed this and will post it by my desk.

  5. Kristen Johnson says:

    Such a good reminder!! Thank you. I appreciate how you care for the whole author. Much appreciated.

  6. Marissa Garner says:

    Wise words but hard to remember when you’re in a funk. Post-it notes help. 🙂

  7. Just received another rejection, so thank you!! We all need reminders like this in such a competitive, subjective field – any field, really, but this one is especially tough, in my humble opinion.

  8. thank you, Jessica. It’s a blah day here, cloudy and misting. And my spirits match the day. Having to force the words. Wondering if my work is worth it. Struggling and second-guessing myself. No fun. But your words make sense. I know this. Perseverance. Persistence. Another day. Thank you.

  9. Michele says:

    Thank you for this! A friend just told me this earlier today. Spooky, right? I spend so much time encouraging others that I have forgotten to appreciate me!
    Love your posts!

  10. Laura Wilson-Anderson says:

    Spent the last week avoiding anything to do with writing after two “close” rejections, and was thinking of giving up. This post really helped. Thank you for all of your posts and videos!

  11. AJ Blythe says:

    Beautifully said. Hard to remember, but important to hold on to.

  12. Kim says:

    I read this the other day and loved it, and came back for a second helping of chicken soup. Glad to see others felt like I did. It sure is refreshing to feel cared about by having a reminder of to acknowledge our own value, and blood, sweat and tears. Really, this helped

  13. Shay Stone says:

    It helps to know every author goes through it. Whenever I have one of those rough days, I read some of my favorite reviews I have printed out and remind myself that I’m someone’s cup of tea. Thanks for the post! It helps.