Preparing for Your Pitch Session

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jul 24 2019

Tomorrow several BookEnds Agents will be attending the Industry Marketplace at the RWA Conference. It’s something new for us and we’re doing it in lieu of pitches. That being said, we know many of you are preparing your pitches for RWA and other conferences so the timing is right for this next question.

Talking of agents, I have an opportunity to meet one, don’t know who yet.  My blurb is written (and professionally checked). My synopsis is plotted, I have a workshop run by my professor next week. Haven’t a clue about author bio, but I’m sure the workshop will cover that as well. 
Other than don’t panic, any advice? 

Whether you’re pitching agents in an official pitch session, at an event like Industry Marketplace or in line for the elevator, my advice is always the same. Have fun.

Easier said than done right? Of course it is.

Pitch sessions are a lot like job interviews. You go in as prepared as you can. You bring your lucky charms, wear your best shirt, and you hope for success. But honestly, the best pitch sessions are those in which, like job interviews, the author has done some research, asks some questions, and comes ready to learn.

Being prepared to ask questions, take notes, listen to advice and make a connection is the best advice I’ve got. And don’t forget, have fun.