Query Letters, Part 4—The Bad

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 22 2006

I hope this letter speaks for itself, and tune in tomorrow because, believe it or not, it gets worse. . . .

July 13, 2001

Since I was a child my dream was to be a writer. Finally at 55, the kids have grown and gone and I have had the time to pursue that dream. Never have I wanted anything so badly as to be able to walk into a bookstore and see my name among so many others.

With great pride I send you a book filled with my blood, sweat and tears. Family and friends who have read it have been duly impressed and see no reason why it won’t be published.

My phone number is 555-555-5555. I look forward to hearing from you.

2 responses to “Query Letters, Part 4—The Bad”

  1. I totally agree that this is ‘wrong’. But it also breaks my heart to read it. Here’s someone who hasn’t taken the time to research ‘how’ to get her book published. Is a ‘bit’ older, not meaning any malice but rather a saddness for them that they’ve gotten to this point in their life and are almost desperate to fulfill a dream. I personally wish I could ‘guide’ them to protraying themselves better. Its sad to think they might actually have an awesome book that will never see the light of day simply because they are so ‘green’.


  2. Jaye Wells says:

    It’s hard to read these cause we can all relate to the yearning. However, I could only think “eeeew” when I read this line:

    With great pride I send you a book filled with my blood, sweat and tears.

    Whatever you do wear rubber gloves.