Romance Authors on Romance
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jul 20 2010

Christie Craig & Faye Hughes
Wild, Wicked & Wanton
Publisher: Adams Media
Pub date: June 2010
Agent: Kim Lionetti
First, a huge thank-you to Jessica and Kim for letting us play at the BookEnds blog today. My nonfiction writing partner, Faye Hughes, and I are celebrating the June release of our humorous relationship/self-help book, Wild, Wicked & Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You’re in a Romance Novel. In the book, we talk about all the lessons that a real woman can learn about men and relationships from reading romance novels. That got us thinking, what lessons do romance authors think their books can teach?
To find out, we asked seven BookEnds romance authors, myself included, to share their thoughts about their latest novels. Now, to make it even more fun, each author will be giving away an autographed copy of one of their books to a lucky commenter. Faye and I will also give away a copy of Wild, Wicked & Wanton. Plus, since we all write in a variety of styles, sub-genres, and tones, not only can you win a free book, but you can get a glimpse into what Jessica’s and Kim’s tastes are when it comes to romance fiction. How cool is that? Oh, and before I forget: Faye and I are also running a contest at through the end of August. Please check it out.
Christie Craig
Christie Craig (Kim’s client): Shut Up and Kiss Me offers insight into how a man, especially those tall, dark and silent types, might say one thing, but mean another. For some men, just getting in touch with their feelings, and then voicing them, is as hard as teaching a cat to tap dance. And sometimes watching those creatures learn to dance can be a whole lot of fun and worth the wait.
Giving away a copy of Shut Up and Kiss Me
Kate Douglas (Jessica’s client): The emails I received when my Wolf Tales series first debuted in January 2006 were NOT what I expected—thank-you notes! Women writing to say the stories’ explicit sex scenes were perking up their sex lives (they were sharing the books with their husbands with instructions to “pay attention to how these guys do it!”), and men thanking me for writing books that had their wives chasing them around the bedroom. I had no idea I’d created a set of instruction manuals—not that that’s a bad thing, you understand—it just wasn’t quite what I expected.
Giving away a copy of one book–choose from Wolf Tales I, Wolf Tales X, or DemonFire
Elizabeth Amber (Jessica’s client): Dane, The Lords of Satyr reminds us of the bonds of loyalty between alpha brothers, and the bonds of secrecy they share as they engage in ancient family rituals in their Tuscany vineyard. It allows us to experience how deeply, fiercely, and thoroughly they love their women. It leaves us longing for alpha brothers of our own, especially those who are descended from the satyr–the carnal followers of the Roman god of wine.
Giving away a copy of Dane, The Lords of Satyr
Gina Robinson (Kim’s client): Spy Games offers hope, encouragement, and the possibility of empowerment to women, especially those coming from abusive or unhappy relationships. Not all handsome men are controlling, wacko stalkers. You can find one of the good guys—the hot hero who will defend and protect you against violent ex-boyfriends, power-hungry Hollywood producers, mafia bosses, and overzealous jewelry salesgirls. His love and loyalty may even make you want to go deep undercover.
Giving away a copy of Spy Games
Angie Fox (Jessica’s client): A Tale of Two Demon Slayers teaches that even though a man can occasionally act like a beast–or even turn into a griffin–things aren’t always as they appear. Be persistent, let him know how you feel, beware of meddling biker witches and soon you’ll chip away at that tough exterior and find a heart of gold.
Giving away a copy of A Tale of Two Demon Slayers
Maureen Smith (Jessica’s client): Readers who pick up a copy of Recipe for Temptation will discover that falling in love with a sexy celebrity chef can be an exhilarating, decadent experience. Especially when the culinary Casanova knows his way around a woman’s body as well as he knows his way around a kitchen. Bon appétit, ladies!
Giving away a copy of Recipe for Temptation
Kim Lenox (Kim’s client): Besides getting a spooky, sexy read in Darker Than Night, readers will find that true love doesn’t have to be a “perfect” love. Men can be flawed. Women can be flawed. We aren’t pieces of a puzzle that once matched, will perfectly fit. Happily-ever-after requires a love that is wholehearted and passionate, and above all—a love that forgives.
Giving away a copy of Darker Than Night
Lisa Dale (Kim’s client): I suppose if my books do teach something it’s this: that fantasy romance can be born from real-life situations. For example, in my latest release, It Happened One Night, true love hides in plain sight. Lana Biel dreams of her perfect happily ever after (she longs to leave her family’s wildflower farm to travel the world), but when a one-night stand leaves her expecting, plans change. She turns to her best friend Eli for help—and discovers that the stuff of dreams grows from the seemingly impossible tangles of real life.
Giving away a copy of It Happened One Night
wow..that is a lot of cool books! I would love the chance to win one 🙂
I am not big on romance books but with a list of books like that and the brief words that followed I think I could get into romance books. That one that takes place in Tuscany sounds really interesting!!
Kate Douglas' Wolf Tales series really grabbed my attention. I would love to read one of those.
Ahhhh, Romance. Love everything about it.
On a serious note, I was thinking of the mail I've gotten over the past month about one of my Wolf Tales books in which the heroine deals with an abusive past–I think the "Happily Ever After" ending that's a requisite part of romance gives a lot of readers the closure in fiction that they don't always get in real life. My heroines–and sometimes my heroes as well–often come from lives of abuse, but they always overcome their issues and move on, stronger and more self-assured than ever. Romances, in many ways, give readers hope that things can and will get better.
Books and a contest! What a great day at BookEnds!
All those books sound great. Thanks for the contest.
A great contest! These books would keep me busy for a while!
Wow! What a generous group, both with their ideas and offers of free books!
I love Christie's thoughts on how a man says one thing and means another. So true, and so entertaining to watch/read.
Kate Douglas, I've never forgotten your kind and helpful words on getting comp titles. You are a wonderfully encouraging author to "newbies". Thanks again!
Elizabeth, men and their loyalty to each other is always an interesting topic and your book sounds like it explores the concept with intrigue too 🙂
Gina, I am very fortunate to have a supportive (and handsome) man in my life…my hubby 🙂
Angie, love the idea of finding a heart of gold under a tough exterior.
Maureen, Your description makes me think of lovely (and sexy) meals with a lovely (and sexy) man!
Kim, I think the best stories come from characters who are real. Who wants to read about perfect people? I think that would be boring…give me flawed anyday.
Lisa, You had me with "true love hides in plain sight". So many stories put their characters in extreme situations and therefore are unbelievable. Give me a "girl/guy next door" storyline and you've got my interest.
Please enter me in the contest for these wonderful books.
Nice collection of books! Thanks for including me in your contest. 🙂
Several of these sound like books I'd enjoy. It's interesting to see the variety of stories one agency represents.
Watching those creatures learn how to dance can be so much fun? Craig, how did you meet my boyfriend? A man will enchant you, you give up hope, then you have fun while you watch him learn to dance. Watching him learn how to dance is the best way to put that feeling. I'm in love with that sentence!
The books sound scrumptious (in true romance style). I must say however that while I understand the requisite HEA in romance books, I do wish we had more books where wounded heroes (and heroines) are left with just a little question about their futures in the end. That is — some parallels to real-life I suppose is what I want. That said, it is a fantasy, as Kate Douglas said.
I'm beginning to understand that the only difference between horror and romance is the perspective 🙂 Isn't crossover great? lol
I enjoyed reading the authors comments.
Teaching a cat to tapdance made
me laugh.
TLR33960 at hotmail dot com
Oh wow these are some great books, thanks for the chance to win. Please enter me! You just can't beat a good romance book!
I've skimmed romance novels, but never read through them. They always seem like something that only my mother would read (granted, she reads different genres now, but growing up all she read were romance novels). But, I think I'm ready to move past that, especially since these all seem fairly interesting (especially the paranormal romance since I read mostly urban fantasy).
Thanks for the giveaway!
renagrrl (at) gmail (dot) com
Great collection of books! I read Wolf Tales and love them! The other books sound wonderful also!
Huge Christie Craig fan here, though what a great group of authors! Thanks for the contest, ladies! 🙂
Cool…I'm a big reader and love the romance genre.
Hope I could win one.
omg i would love to win one of them books.
Can't believe more people haven't entered this yet.
Awesome, so awesome.
Kim Lenox, I loved your comments on the imperfection of love. Sometimes it's easy to fantasize about that "perfect" guy, but I think the flawed ones are more fun anyway. 😛
What a great chance to win several books [who can have too many of those?]! I've also found a great new blogsite! Thanks.
Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}
Very interesting post! ALL of those books sound like fantastic reads. Count me in! lucyjones38(at)hotmail (dot) com
These books all look smashing. I love the idea of learning to love like you're in a romance novel. Half the fun of reading is picturing yourself in some of the situations! That looks a must read to me!!
please enter me as well!
email: historicalromancejunkie[at]gmail[dot]com
I think it's really great the way romance has so many facets. People tend to see romance as very straight forward and about one thing and one thing only, but that is so not true! Just by looking at the books presented here, they're all very different, and that's what I love about this genre and this business. Hope you'll consider me for one of these awesome books!
Damn, this internet contraption just makes me crave & buy more books! As if I needed the encouragement! But really, all those books sound great 🙂
This is an amazing assortment of books and authors! I'd love to chance to win even one. My email is triskelliongirl at comcast dot net.
Jessica and Kim,
Thanks again for letting us hijack your blog today. I love reading all of these insights into the romance novels of some of BookEnds' clients.
Thanks for the chance!
Who would have thought there were 101 Ways to Love Like You’re in a Romance Novel. Even as a card carrying member of RWA and it's South Florida Chapter, I am still clueless. My favorites are Suspense Romance (i.e. Catherine Coulter.) Your book is wonderful fodder for my characters, who abide in the pages of Satire Romance, the anti-romance love affair to forget.
To wit I quote a character from one such romp:
"I love the hyperbole of romance language. The way they use all the words with "ly" and even make some up when necessary. Characters in romance novels never become just anything, they become extremely, wildly, incredibly and unbelievably something or other. Kisses are tenderly, madly, passionately and deeply felt. Tragedy is miserably, terribly, horribly brought to bear on the sincerely, innocently shy hero and heroine, though they are eventually, properly and finally vindicated."
I'd really enjoy a copy of your book and love that Jessica handed over the controls for today.
Ohhhh… I want, I want. All those books look awesome! Love the different perspectives.
Some how I haven't read any of these but oh they all sound wonderful.Thanks for a wonderful contest.
Christie Craig's comment about "how a man, especially those tall, dark and silent types, might say one thing, but mean another" really struck a chord with me. What I've learned from romance novels is that the kind of man that appeals to me on the pages of a book is not the same kind of man I want in real life.
When it comes to characters, I confess I go weak in the knees for the dark and silent types, the enigmatic, brooding hotties with so much mystery behind their eyes. I fall in love with every one of them, no matter their role in the story. I just can't seem to help it.
In real life, however, I prefer open and cheerful guys who make me laugh. The silent brooding that seems so sexy in books is in fact a highly unattractive behaviour in a relationship. And all that mysteriousness? Not fun at all when you want to know a man intimately. And if "dark" is a key word in a real man's personality description, my advice is to steer clear!
But oh, do those types make for gooood fiction. 😉
anni_mt at yahoo dot ca
Wow what a cool contest! And what a lot of wonderful books! Would love to get any one of those in my hands 🙂
Congrats Christie and Faye! May you have many, many sales!
Great post! WWW looks wonderful, Christie and Faye. Thank you for including a giveaway of Dane. Hoping to send that boy to a good home.
Lots of great books on offer. I facebooked about this blog today and will Twitter.
Hi to Jessica!
Wow what a great group of authors! Please enter me in the contest!
I love all of kate's boos and I know I have looked into other writer in the Romance. I know that my husband likes me to read these books. So I will try to wins some onw.
Put my name in the pile. I'd love to read any one of those.
I just love Kate Douglas' Wolf Tale Series. I will be so lost when the series ends. I am a 54 mother of two teen girls, married to the same guy 22 1/2 years and her books brought awaked most of my dormant cells. I'm hoping that the publisher let's her continue with the stories featuring the Chanku kids. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Would love a chance to read any of these other authors.
What a line up! Pick me, coach!
I think I've read most of the authors here today. And the few I haven't, I'll be going out and looking up your books.
I love reading romance books for fun of reading them. And the lessons about life that can be learned from them. And seeing relationships and love from someone else view point.
I learned a lot from Romance novels. Wolf Tales taught me all sorts of things that have my hubby smiling like a loon!
I would love to win some books. Thanks!
What a great list of TO BE Bought books!
Enter me in to win one… Except Angie's… I'm all caught up on the Demon Slayer series… unless you can sneak me the next book… (grin)
All books sound fantastic! Huge romance fan 🙂
Christi, thanks for your thoughtful comments. To me, loyalty and commitment are heroic, sexy qualities. I want them in fictional heroes and I think they are qualities to look for in the real men we let into our lives. My Lords of Satyr novels are dark and erotic, but they end in HEAs. I'm not sure that could happen without heroes who were inherently loyal and committed to their families and their women.
Connie, I think many feel that way. Kate's Wolf Tales series is going to an amazing 12 titles, but it's not enough! More, more!
Hi Kim, looking forward to meeting you at karaoke in Orlando.
Christie, I just started reading Divorced, Desperate, and Delicious last night (and loving it!) and then I saw an email about you giving away a book. I think it's fate. 🙂
I think the list of books you have all sound wonderful. Would love to read any of them.
that s quite an impressive and great sounding list of books! would love to read any of them!
I agree that there is a lot to learn from romance novels, and the variety of lessons that the authors talked about are awesome! I can't wait to pick up your book! I love the responses that Kate Douglas received, and I think one of her books will be on my next shopping list!
So exciting! I love to read and would love a chance to win a good book.
Perfect timing. I have a romance-reading friend with a September birthday. Now I have some books to check out. Thanks!
One of the best things about romance novels is that they are predicated on the notion that women deserve and should expect a relationship where their happiness and satisfaction is just as important as a man's. Kudos to all of you for portraying that message so clearly!
A big thank you to everyone who posted and entered the contest. Jessica has agreed to post the winners on tomorrow's blog. So make sure you check back on Thursday for the winners.
I hope anyone going to RWA nationals will make sure to come by and say hello.
Have a great week.
Christie Craig ~CC– Who is pages from finishing her second YA and is jumping up and down.
Blog winners will be posted Friday!
Sorry for the confusion!!